Islamic Iran is determined to push back against the Aliyev regime in Azerbaijan from providing a foothold for Zionist Israel on the border with Iran.
Whereas the Aliyev regime’s brutal crackdown of Islamic activists has failed to cow them down, it will in fact result in the shortening of the regime’s shelf-life.
The illegitimate Aliyev regime is determined to cling to power at any cost, including starting a civil war in the country that would cost it dearly.
The dictatorial regime in Azerbaijan massacres innocent Muslims, and arrests the leader of the Islamic movement, Sheikh Tale Baqirzade. What has prompted the illegitimate regime to resort to such tactics and whose interests does it serve. We examine the issue as information is still trickling in from Azerbaijan...
Four years after his sentencing, Sheikh Abgul Suleymanov is turning into a major symbol against the corrupt Aliyev regime.
(One of the Muslim countries with a tense political situation and an emerging Islamic identity which is not being covered by the corporate media is Azerbaijan Republic. In order to acquaint the Muslim Ummah with the situation in Azerbaijan, 5Pillarz conducted an interview with Maksud Djavadov, who is a researcher for the Toronto-based Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT) and a journalist for ICIT’s publication, Crescent International, specializing in covering the Muslim countries of the former USSR.)
By massively rigging the vote and having it declared a day before the actual election date, Ilham Aliyev's regime increased the possibility of a civil war.
Ilham Aliyev’s oppressive tactics are raising the credibility and influence of the Islamic movement in Azerbaijan.
It seems Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan is trying to outdo Qaddafi in all aspects of his despotic policies.
Aliyevs, the illegitimate rulers of Azerbaijan are going nuts over coverage given to the Safavid rulers whose projection they see as threatening their rule. The real reason is that the Aliyevs fear the rise of the Islamic movement in the former Soviet republic.
The US-backed Aliyev regime uses gimmicks and tame opposition to stay in power.