The Najdi Bedouins (aka the House of Saud) have been involved in spreading terrorism throughout their miserable existence. Russian President Vladimir Putin seems to have had enough of their barbaric practices and has threatened to bomb them back to the Stone Age unless they desist from further mischief. Najdi Bedouins, beware, you have been warned!
Muslim regimes suppress their own people and thus ignore the plight of the hapless Palestinians in order to serve the interests of zionism and imperialism. Their specialty is to finance terrorists against governments they do not like.
The uppity Bandar bin Sultan has been given the boot as Saudi spy chief. The Syrian file has been taken away from him and handed over to Interior Minister Mohammed bin Nayef in a clear indication that the Saudi regime has come around to accepting defeat in its destructive policy in Syria. It is trying to cut its losses and find a face-saving exit from the mess.
We present our assessment of the past year: what was good and what was not so good or outright bad. The past, as it is said, is a mirror to the future. Since life is a continuum, events of the past have a bearing on the future. We present our pick of the past year.
By common consent, Saudi intelligence chief and former ambassador to Washington Dc, Bandar bin Sultan, is a nasty character. He has now been named as being deeply involved in the 911 conspiracy. Who else from his contacts within the ruling circle in America and Israel are involved? Would Bandar end up on the US terror watch list for his role in the 911 attacks?
The historic roots of the alliance between Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and the House of Saud in 1746 will not be analysed here. A brief reference to it, however, is necessary to understand its contemporary repercussions...
Differences over internal policy have emerged into the open among the usually secretive members of the House of Saud, who have until now maintained a facade of unity in times of crisis.
The aftermath of September 11 has focused attention once more on the House of Saud and its ability to survive. There are growing indications that the genie of waning popularity, which the Saudi dynasty has long feared and tried to control by a legion of gimmicks, has again escaped.
Had the king of Saudi Arabia or a member of the House of Saud been insulted by the western media, chances are that all hell would have broken loose. There would be diplomatic protests and the Saudi ambassador from the offending country’s capital--London, Paris etc--would be recalled to Riyadh for consultations.
The 19th annual meeting of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), held in Abu Dhabi from December 7-9, was a far cry from the heady days of high oil prices when Arab monarchies were awash with petro-dollars.
The enemies of Allah can kill at will but Muslim must not defend themselves. They must not talk about these issues even in the House of Allah! Has not Allah commanded the believers to fight if they are attacked?