A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Keyword: Hindu India

Showing 21-29 of 29
Daily News Analysis

Israel in the vanguard of India’s escalating conflict with Pakistan

Ibrahim Vawda

Rabi' al-Thani 23, 14422020-12-08

News & Analysis

India: State Sponsor of Terrorism

Tahir Mahmoud

Rabi' al-Thani 16, 14422020-12-01

India has for decades been involved in terrorist activities inside Pakistan but the India-doting West and an equally pliant Western media have turned a blind eye. Pakistan has compiled irrefutable evidence of India’s nefarious designs. Will the world will take notice?

News & Analysis

Hindu Fascists Blame Muslims for COVID-19

Hayy Yaqzan

Ramadan 08, 14412020-05-01

The Modi regime and its fascist stormtroopers blame Muslims for everything that goes wrong in India. The latest accusation is that Muslims have spread the virus in India. Hospitals are refusing to treat Muslim patients and in many instances keeping them in separate wards from the Hindus!


Wars on Their Minds

Zafar Bangash

Rabi' al-Thani 04, 14412019-12-01

War is profitable business for the gnomes of corporate America and the deep state even if it results in the unnecessary deaths of millions of innocent people (collateral damage). Where no threat exists, America and its allies will manufacture one…

Special Reports

The Threat of Ethno-religious Fascism in India

Shahid Alam

Rabi' al-Thani 04, 14412019-12-01

India has been taken over by ethno-religious fascists where there is no room for religious minorities, especially Muslims. Leading figures of the ruling BJP have made this amply clear. The world can only ignore it at its own peril.

Special Reports

India’s Army of Fake News Trolls

Hayy Yaqzan

Rabi' al-Thani 04, 14412019-12-01

India has developed an army of fake news trolls to spread misinformation and present a false image that it is a “civilized” country. It is nothing of the sort. India today is ruled by criminals, gangsters and rapists.

Showing 21-29 of 29

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