India’s elections are not an exercise in democracy. They will further consolidate Hindu fascism in a society where intolerance of minorities, especially Muslims, has led to attacks against them and their properties. Mosques have been demolished and their businesses destroyed.
The India-Middle East Europe Corridor (IMEC) was announced amid much fanfare at the G20 summit in Delhi last month. It is more the wishful thinking of US president Joe Biden than a realistic option to replace China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
Indian state terrorism has come to Canada. This was evident in the brutal murder of Sikh activist Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Surrey, BC (a suburb of Vancouver). The Canadian government has taken a strong stance over the killing of its citizen. Time will tell whether Ottawa will be able to hold its ground or succumb to economic interests.
All countries try to project their best image to the world. This is done to paper over their less savoury conduct. India may bask in the glory of landing a spacecraft on the moon but its horrific mistreatment of minorities and brutal killings represent its true nature.
Kashmiris are one of the most oppressed people in the world. They are also the longest-occupied people. These necessitate expressing solidarity with the people of Kashmir under India’s brutal occupation and seek ways for their liberation.
The racist ideology of Hindutva has captured state power in India. While the Hindutva terrorists go about killing Muslims and destroying their properties, Muslims are not even permitted to protest against such barbarism. The banning of PFI is another step in this direction.
India has not only targeted its Muslim citizens, those Muslims that protest against such crimes have their houses demolished. It is straight out of the zionist playbook. Hindu India and zionist Israel have close relations and follow each other’s policies in targeting Muslims and Christians in their midst.
News from India continues to raise alarm. The Hindutva fascists are determined to turn India into an exclusivist Hindu state. Their primary target is the 200 million Muslims. They have launched a policy of genocide. Unless the Muslim world takes immediate action, it may be too late to save the Muslims.
Hindutva ideology (not to be confused with Hindu religion) is based on hatred and violence. Its ideologues openly call for genocide of Muslims. To deal with this hate-filled ideology, India needs to undergo some geographical surgery. India is an artificial state and such changes would usher peace in the region.
Hindutva ideologues make fantastic claims about their country’s advances in science, technology, spaceships and aircraft thousands of years ago. One wonders where did all these inventions disappear to and India has hundreds of millions of paupers and beggars.
Hindutva fascists have been so emboldened that they are now openly calling for the genocide of Muslims in India. That they could even think of exterminating 200 million inhabitants is mind-boggling but not surprising. Unfortunately, the rest of the world continues to turn a blind eye to these dangerous developments.
Hindutva extremists have become a global threat. Like all oppressors and terrorists, they attempt to deflect attention from their horrific crimes by conflating criticism of their conduct with that of Hinduism as a religion. They must not be allowed to get away with this.
India has become the epicentre of the coronavirus but politicians and Hindu extremists ignore all protocols and continue to spread the deadly virus. The Kumbh Mela—a Hindu festival— attended by 10 million people reflects the total disregard for any precautionary measures.
Since the rise of Narendra Modi to power in India, Fascism has come out in the open targeting religious minorities. Muslims and Dalits are the principal targets but other religious groups—Sikhs and Christians—are also not spared