German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel refused to take a call from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu because of the latter’s obnoxious behavior.
Gripped by multiple crises, the Bani Saud think buying more weapons from the West would get them security. This is likely to hasten their downfall.
2Germany has a notorious reputation for its racist and discriminatory attitude toward minorities. It has refused to accommodate a large minority community that has lived in Germany for generations.
How widespread is Islamophobia in Europe, especially in Germany where a three-month pregnant Muslim mother, Marwa el-Sherbini was stabbed 18 times in a crowded courtroom in Dresden last year, can be seen
The brutal murder of a hijab-clad woman in a German court last month has once again exposed the deep-seated racism and Islamophobia that rage in Europe and North America...
The summit-meeting of the five Caspian Sea countries in Iran on October 17, and the suspension of the European Union’s sanctions on Uzbekistan have focused attention on how the US, Russia, the EU and China are vying with each other for the rich energy resources of the Central Asian states in the region.
Throughout Europe, political parties campaigning on anti-foreigner platforms are chalking up remarkable gains, with Germany leading the way as poll figures and recently published figures on racist attacks show.