Whether they know it or not, both the Salafis and Sufis are being used by the intelligence agencies of Western countries against the interests of Islam.
Failed coup becomes pretext for absolute rule as referendum deepens Turkey’s divisions
Under the guise of weeding out members of the Gulenist cult from various state institutions, Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan has embarked upon the wholesale arrest of committed Muslims.
July’s failed coup attempt in Turkey has exposed more than the coup plotters. Turkish President Recept Tayip Erdogan has realized that Western rulers and Nato members are not his real friends. Russia and Iran are.
July’s failed coup attempt in Turkey has exposed more than the coup plotters. Turkish President Recept Tayip Erdogan has realized that Western rulers and Nato members are not his real friends. Russia and Iran are.
Using the garb of Sufism, the self-styled religious preacher, Fethullah Gulen has turned out to be a US-Zionist puppet who is prepared to advance their agenda. This is how the enemies of Islam operate.
2Britons voted to leave the European Union. Coupled with Turkey’s failed coup, it has changed the global situation radically. There will now be new political realignments in the region.
1Last month’s failed coup attempt in Turkey has exposed the alternate State that exists in the shadows. It has shown how deeply unsavory characters have penetrated the various institutions of state.
1Ample proof has emerged of the Gulenist cult, backed by the US, in trying to engineer the coup in Turkey. This attempt may have failed but another one cannot be discounted.
1The coup attempt by a group of military officers in Turkey seems to have fizzled out. After several hours of tense standoff, the coup plotters were beaten back and the police and people were able to reclaim control. Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan who flew into Istanbul airport from his holiday said the military will be cleansed of these elements.
1Nobody had anticipated the landslide victory that the Justice and Development Party (AKP) secured in last month’s snap elections in Turkey. Even the most optimistic opinion polls showed the AKP barely coming close (not reaching) a majority in parliament to form the government.
Turkey is gripped by a corruption scandal whose roots are entirely political. Foreign players such as the American CIA and the zionists are also involved through the secretive character Fethullah Gulen who runs a multi-billion enterprise across the world. Claiming to be a spiritual man, his links cast deep suspicions on his activities. Will the latest crisis in Turkey expose his true nature?
Turkey is in the midst of a major scandal whose roots can be traced all the way to Philadelphia in the US and to the zionists there. A series of dramatic arrests on December 17 has rocked the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erdogan. The sons of three of his ministers, including Interior Minister Muammer Guler (photo) as well as businessmen and chief of the Halkbank have been arrested. Erdogan calls it a deep conspiracy.