War is profitable business for the gnomes of corporate America and the deep state even if it results in the unnecessary deaths of millions of innocent people (collateral damage). Where no threat exists, America and its allies will manufacture one…
The Western media’s hegemony has been exposed over its falsehoods in Syria.
In order to understand the reality of East Ghouta, we reproduce this article by Eva Bartlett, a courageous Canadian journalists who has been in Syria on numerous occasions, unlike any of the Western media pundits that peddle State department or CIA delivered propaganda about the situation in Syria.
Western regimes and their corporate media use insulting and derogatory labels for governments that do not follow the West’s diktat.
While spouting anti-imperialist rhetoric, Russian media still view Muslims as “aliens”, reflecting the European Russians’ racism.
Western officials and the corporate media have made lies and disinformation a part of normal existence. What is worse, they even insist people must accept their lies as truth.
Andrew Ashdown is a Church of England priest studying Christian-Muslim relations in Syria. In the last few days he has visited East Aleppo. This is the report of his visit to the area yesterday (14th December) that he published on his facebook page. Photos by Andrew Ashdown
Long-time subscriber, Ahmed Abdul Rahman lauds Crescent’s in-depth analysis that is lacking in other media outlets.
Different strokes for different folks? The breast-beating over the killing of journalists working for the Islamophobic French magazine Charlie Hebdo stands in sharp contrast with lack of concern for three Al Jazeera journalists languishing in Egypt's dungeons. Equally revealing is Western silence over the killing of 10 journalists last year by the Zionist regime.
Are the takfiris really that great fighters or they are being projected for a sinister western agenda?
Most people with even limited understanding of how media outlets spin news can see through the lies dished out by the likes of Fox News and CNN. But how does one explain the lies habitually repeated by such supposedly venerable institutions as the BBC, the New York Times or the Washington Post? All of them in their own right are considered paragons of wisdom and their word is considered sacrosanct.
CULTURE JAM: THE UNCOOLING OF AMERICA by Kalle Lasn. New York: Eagle Brook and William Morrow, 1999. Pp. Xvii & 251. Hbk. US$25.
As Australian and other troops representing the UN prepare to secure East Timor, ostensibly for the Timorese, and a de facto international protectorate establishes new institutions of government in Kosova...