During the pandemic at least 160 million people have fallen into poverty but the billionaire class, all of them Americans except one, have increased their wealth and have turned into trillionaires. This is not the result of being smart; they manipulate the system to their advantage.
India has become the epicentre of the coronavirus but politicians and Hindu extremists ignore all protocols and continue to spread the deadly virus. The Kumbh Mela—a Hindu festival— attended by 10 million people reflects the total disregard for any precautionary measures.
Despite the devastation it has caused in many parts of the world, the pandemic also offers opportunities to the victims of US aggression to formulate policies and strategies to overcome such bullying.
The pandemic has badly damaged the US economy. Will it rebound or the pandemic will prove to be the iceberg that hit the Titanic sending it to the bottom of the ocean?
The Saudi regime will allow about 1000 people from the kingdom to perform Hajj this year but not Muslims from outside because of the pandemic. Muslims must work to end Bani Saud’s illegal occupation of Makkah and Madinah and challenge their distortion of Hajj rites to please their mushrik masters.
Given that trillions of dollars have been pumped into Western economies because of the pandemic, it will be difficult to argue after the lockdown is eased that money is not available for social and health programs to help the poor.
Is the US itching for war with China because the latter is making huge economic progress that will leave the US far behind? There is a long history of the US’ false accusations to convince the American public to support wars against perceived enemies.
The US economy has been badly affected by COVID-19 (some analysts have said it was already in the dumps before the virus outbreak). Will it end US global hegemony or prolong it? The jury is still out on this.
The balance of power is likely to shift away from the West toward Asia in the aftermath of the pandemic. This is based on how Asian countries have dealt with pandemic compared to Western countries.
The US economy has been devastated by the pandemic. While the Trump regime has sent a single check of $1200 with his name on it to individuals as if this is from his personal account, trillions are going to the too-big-to-fail corporations. It is casino capitalism at its best!
India is not only guilty of perpetrating genocide in Kashmir, it has also embarked on a policy of demographic change, taking a leaf from the Zionist policy book in Occupied Palestine.
This Ramadan is unlike any other Muslims have experienced in history. While under virtual lockdown, it should remind us that there are millions of people under permanent lockdown as well as hundreds of millions going hungry to bed.
Far from appreciating the help China, Russia and Cuba have extended to other countries including the US, the corporate media has embarked on a disinformation campaign to accuse these countries of ulterior motives.
Islamic Iran has achieved notable success in the rate of recovery of coronavirus patients. It is among the top two or three countries in the world despite America’s illegal sanctions that have caused much dislocation to its economy.
The autocratic regimes in Central Asia and the Caucasus are feeling the heat as a result of the pandemic (that they deny) and the falling oil prices (that they cannot deny). Will the survive the expected storm?