A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Keyword: China

Showing 21-40 of 111
Main Stories

Russia-China-Iran Alliance: Will the West’s Suicide Bring World Peace?

Kevin Barrett

Muharram 03, 14442022-08-01

The stupidity of US foreign policy elites has driven Russia, China and Iran closer together into an alliance that will consign US pretensions of being a global power into the dustbin of history. The world will definitely be a much safer place for it.

Daily News Analysis

Politics of the Beijing Olympics

Crescent International

Rajab 02, 14432022-02-03

Main Stories

Iran, China, Russia in Strategic Alliance to Neutralize US

Zafar Bangash

Jumada' al-Akhirah 29, 14432022-02-01

Almost back-to-back meetings between Iranian officials and their Chinese and Russian counterparts provide a solid foundation for confronting US and its allies’ belligerence, threats and sanctions. There is a convergence of views on neutralizing Washington’s destructive policies

News & Analysis

Russia and China Can Expel the US from Eurasia—by Exposing the Petrodollar Fraud

Kevin Barrett

Jumada' al-Ula' 28, 14432022-01-01

That the US-centric world order is no more is self-evident. China and Russia have re-emerged to challenge US imperialism. Hitherto, US imperialist adventures were financed by petro-dollars. This fraud not only needs to be exposed but it will lead to the expulsion of US from Eurasia.

News & Analysis

US Defeat in 9/11 Wars Accelerates “Pivot to China”—Opening for Islamic Alternative

Kevin Barrett

Safar 24, 14432021-10-01

The US pivot to China has opened up space for Islamic self-determination to reassert itself to determine its own future and indeed that of the rest of the world. Afghanistan’s Muslim neighbours, especially Iran, Pakistan and Turkey must not lose this opportunity.

Daily News Analysis

Repercussions of Canada-China detainee exchange

Crescent International

Safar 23, 14432021-09-30

Daily News Analysis

China-Israel relations: Are they durable?

Crescent International

Shawwal 30, 14422021-06-11

Main Stories

Iran-China Deal Signals Clear Shift in Global Power Balance

Zafar Bangash

Ramadan 19, 14422021-05-01

The $400-billion Iran-China deal that will cover oil and gas exploration, infrastructure development as well as security and regional and international issues will be a game-changer in global politics

Daily News Analysis

Can India challenge China?

Crescent International

Sha'ban 29, 14422021-04-12

Daily News Analysis

Biden’s intemperate remarks about Russia

Crescent International

Sha'ban 06, 14422021-03-20

Daily News Analysis

Will China humiliate Ofcom?

Crescent International

Jumada' al-Akhirah 26, 14422021-02-08

Showing 21-40 of 111

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