America’s dogs of war are straining at the leash. Led by US ambassador at the UN Nirmata Kaur Randhawa (who changed her name to Nikki Haley to sound more American), they want more wars and are pushing the moron Donald Trump to launch one against Syria even though the generals are reluctant to do so.
For weeks, the Western corporate media was reporting the ‘use of chemical weapons’ by the Syrian government but when the Syrian army discovered a chemical lab in terrorist-held territory, the same media went silent.
Donald Trump has brought the prospects of war with Russia that much closer by his belligerent and reckless policy in attacking Syria. He is trying to protect the takfiri terrorists that are on the run.
What is certain is that if a massacre can be spun into blaming the Syrian government, it will be repeated endlessly with screaming headlines and angry denunciations on television. If the killings expose Western-backed terrorists, then the story is either ignored or obfuscated to confuse readers and listeners.
The April 6 illegal US missile strikes on a Syrian air base have not only put a chill on US-Russian relations, they have increased the risk of a full-fledged war between the US and Russia—essentially a Third World War.
On the run from the Syrian army and its allies, the takfiri terrorists have once again resorted to using chemical weapons. There is, however, no condemnation of such crimes from the UN, the US or other Western do-gooders. Their only mantra is, 'Asad must go'. He is not going anywhere, primarily because the Syrian people do not want him to go, seeing what the alternative would be: head-choppers and organ eaters!
The veteran US journalist, Seymour Hersh has laid to rest one lie—that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons in al-Ghouta last August—but has left unsaid the role of Saudi Arabia in this dastardly crime.
American officials habitually tell lies about their adversaries. The chemical weapons attack in Syria last August was blamed on the Syrian government but Investigative Journalist Seymour Hersh has revealed through sources in the intelligence community that Barack Obama cherry-picked through information to make it look as if the Syrian government was responsible.
Commentators in Turkey are pointing the finger at the Turkish government of Recep Tayip Erdogan of being involved in the Syrian chemical attack in order to force the US’ hand. What is the truth?
With Syria having signed on the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty, it is time to divest the Zionist entity of its massive arsenal of nuclear weapons as well to make the Middle East region a nuclear weapons-free zone.
The hysteria over the use of chemical weapons in Syria, wrongly accusing the Syrian government of using them, has inadvertently focused spotlight on the West’s own use of poison gas and chemical weapons. The West’s record is horrible.
The allegation of the use of chemical weapons in Syria has aroused the jingoistic instincts of American warmongers. Without waiting for proof or identifying the guilty party, there are preparations to attack Syria. Should it materialize, the chances of the entire region being set ablaze cannot be ruled out.
The US has used its financial muscle to subvert yet another international agency, this time the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. KHALIL OSMAN reports.