America’s political system is rotten to the core. A tiny parasitical class at the top—less than 1% of the population—was hitherto able to divide people along race and ethnic lines. Most people have woken up to this ugly reality and are not prepared to accept the status quo any longer.
Sporadic acts of looting during protests against police brutality led the American establishment and media to try and delegitimize the protests. The ruling mega-thieves have been plundering America’s wealth for centuries; they are in no position to complain about petty thieves.
America is not run by people occupying ministerial or congressional seats. Its real masters operate behind the scenes who determine who should occupy the White House or sit in Congress. Trump will soon find out whether he would be allowed to remain in the White House.
More than three-quarters of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck while those at the top—the mega-thieves—have plundered $40 trillion of US wealth in the last 10 years. This is done quite “legally” since the laws are framed by their agents sitting in Congress.