The United States regime, never shy about showing its zionist colors, has come out swinging again; this time, its target is the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of the Islamic State in Iran, which it plans to brand as a “terrorist organization”. Of course, the politicians in Washington are free to say whatever they want – thank God it’s a free country, with freedom of speech and all that. The thing to notice, though, is whether such “made in Tel Aviv” statements are serious policy or simply political rhetoric. At a time when the neo-con Republicrats are getting a bloody nose in Iraq, a chafed hand in Afghanistan and cold feet in Pakistan, the belligerent ravings of politicians in Washington need not concern us. The thing to watch for in the coming weeks and months is whether the zionist-intoxicated officials in Washington are going to put their feet in their mouths and turn their empty rhetoric into militaristic reality.
It will be a wonderful time when the Islamic state and movement can counter such imperialistic and zionistic announcements with weighty and meaningful condemnations of the West and its policies. Just think: would that the leaders and commanders within the Islamic state and movement could join forces one day and take effective measures against the US and its allies for the aggression and atrocities that their armed forces and intelligence agencies have committed all over the world. And there are far greater grounds for such action that there are for the US government to claim that the Revolutionary Guards are terrorists. The US military, with its longstanding “merger” with Israel – from common research-and-development programmes to their “strategic alliance” – is undoubtedly the deadliest military force in the world, and has no hesitation about turning its sights on any place in the world. The actions of the US armed forces and their proxies in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Horn of Africa, and countless places, are proof positive of their terrorist nature. Even before the reign of the neo-cons, America’s supervision ofthe war of aggression by Iraq against Islamic Iran, and the US’s own assault on Iraq, in the 1980s, and its genocidal economic sanctions against Iraq in the 1990s – among many other policies in other parts of the world – qualified the American armed forces for the all-time title of a “terrorist empire.”
As direct or indirect results of US policy millions of Muslims in Iraq have been killed in the last three decades. Frankly, it would honor the US military to designate them as “terrorists”, in the same breath as the Cali and Medellin drug-cartels. The crimes of the USmilitary, taking orders from zionists and imperialists, dwarf the English language itself. Eradicators, obliterators, destroyers, scaremongers, horrifiers, bombers, assassins, anarchists, bludgeoners, fire-eaters, hell-raisers... not one of these words, nor all of them together, can capture the depth of the criminality that the US military – in fulfilling its zionist strategy – has inflicted on millions of Muslims, without there being any end in sight.
Simply the number and scale of American military bases all over the Muslim world is mind-boggling, all to ensure that no independent state or government can emerge to try to protect the interests and resources of Muslim countries. And yet the US claims to represent freedom and democracy for the Muslim peoples! Listen to the US commander-in-chief addressing the American Legion last year: “The war we fight today is more than a military conflict; it is the decisive ideological struggle of the 21st century. On one side are those who believe in the values of freedom and moderation – the right of all people to speak, and worship, and live in liberty. And on the other side are those driven by the values of tyranny and extremism – the right of a self-appointed few to impose their fanatical views on all the rest.” Can such hypocritical double-talk be anything other than the work of Satan himself?
The US armed forces – whose commander-in-chief is the supreme leader, president Bush, whose unacknowledged masters and commanders are the Israeli prime minister and the zionist establishment in the USA – are in possession of nuclear weapons outside the jurisdiction of the IAEA. They operate at least six fleets of naval vessels roaming the oceans and seas of the world, in addition to an air force that bounces satellites from one atmospheric layer to the next. Its ground forces are spread over at least 130 military bases and installations in foreign countries. A strong case could be made that the US armed forces should have been branded mega-terrorists immediately after the bombing ofHiroshima and Nagasaki over 60 years ago.
The elite units of the US armed forces – such as the army “Rangers” and the navy “seals” – can also be assumed to be heavily involved in the random acts of violence that have been happening inside Iraq for the past four and a half years. Such forces are acknowledged to have carried out extra-judicial assassinations of the US’s political enemies in countries around the world, and to have established contacts with various Muslim militant groups in the years since the Afghan jihad against the Soviet Union. Such groups are now responsible for much of the terrorism attributed to the Islamic movement, and particularly the “sectarian” violence between Sunnis and Shi‘is in places such as Iraq and Pakistan. The fomenting of disorder and chaos in order to justify intervention in foreign countries is a long-established strategy that has been used by imperialist powers for centuries; today the main victims are Muslims, Sunni and Shi‘i alike.
The American people deserve better than to have their military operating to a strategy originating in Tel Aviv, going through the political establishment in Washington, passed onto the Pentagon, and then channeled to the killing fields of Iraq and Afghanistan. The American people deserve better than to be subjected to incessant propaganda against Muslims who are fighting in their own homelands for their own independence. Americans who are living in Muslim countries should be presented with the truth about America’s official zeal for zion, which is responsible for the vast majority of the current bloodshed throughout the world. Zionism is America’s enemy within. The US lost its political will vis a vis Israel when the US government could not even stand up for the sailors on the USS Liberty who were torpedoed and bombed by the Israeli air force in 1967. Today, thousands of young men and women from America’s underclasses are being sent out to die or be maimed, as well as to kill, for an agenda that they know nothing about, and in which they have no stake, if only they realised it.
But when we look at the Islamic state and movement, we find that within them there are soft-core pro-Americans who have neither the nerve or the will to honor their God-given covenant. We know, for a certainty, that there are members of the Islamic movement, even within the Islamic government, who still have high hopes of establishing amicable relations with the US, evidently ignoring the fact that the US remains slavishly and religiously obedient to the leaders of zion. In a time of crisis (and we may well be approaching such a time), we will have to sieve out the spineless Muslims whose hearts are in Washington and other Western capitals, wherever their bodies may be.
So how should the Islamic state and movement respond to the Israeli-provoked designation of the Revolutionary Guards as “terrorists”? Remember, it is not the Revolutionary Guards that have more than one hundred military bases in America, Europe and elsewhere. The only bases they have are in their own country. The leaders of the Islamic state and movement should meet in their capital – ideally, that would have been Makkah, but for the time being it is Tehran – and deliberate on how to defang the zionist beast with its American teeth and claws. But when we look at the Islamic state and movement, we find that within them there are soft-core pro-Americans who have neither the nerve or the will to honor their God-given covenant. We know, for a certainty, that there are members of the Islamic movement, even within the Islamic government, who still have high hopes of establishing amicable relations with the US, evidently ignoring the fact that the US remains slavishly and religiously obedient to the leaders of zion. In a time of crisis (and we may well be approaching such a time), we will have to sieve out the spineless Muslims whose hearts are in Washington and other Western capitals, wherever their bodies may be.
At present, such “sons of the Islamic movement” are in power in places such as Turkey, Iraq and Palestine, but they show no inclination to join forces with the broader Islamic movement to act as one consolidated body, as the Qur’an and the hadith describe the Muslim Ummah being. What is the use of having Muslims as prime ministers in Istanbul,Baghdad and Palestine if they cannot meet each other to discuss issues confronting all Muslims without permission from Olmert, Bush and their acolytes?
But there is some good news for committed Muslims; there are some within the Islamic state and movement who are the backbone of Islam in our time and age. And in due course, however distant it may seem at times of stress in the Ummah, they will make the critical decisions, and achieve the necessary power, to neutralize the zionist-centered schemes and the power-structures that make them possible, insha’Allah.
Abu Dharr.