With the bursting of the takfiri group, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) on the scene and their declaration of the Khilafah, it is important to understand this phenomenon through the Seerah of the noble Messenger (saws).
For Muslims the Qur’an and the Prophet’s (saws) Sunnah and Seerah are the primary sources for all guidance. While the Qur’an provides the general principles for Islamic existence, the Sunnah and Seerah are its practical manifestations.
Living in the Islamic State (the Khilafah) or striving to establish one is an Islamic obligation. Informed and committed Muslims agree on this point. What is less well understood is the process by which the Khilafah would be achieved.
For Muslims the Qur’an and the Prophet’s (saws) Sunnah and Seerah are the primary sources for all guidance. While the Qur’an provides the general principles for Islamic existence, the Sunnah and Seerah are its practical manifestations. During his 23-year prophetic mission, the noble Messenger (saws) showed us how to go about establishing the Islamic State. For the first 13 years in Makkah, life was extremely difficult for the noble Messenger (saws) and his small group of dedicated followers. The Makkan establishment persecuted and tormented them. The primary reason for this was that the established order saw Islam as a challenge to their privileged existence based on injustice, exploitation and oppression.
Living in the Islamic State (the Khilafah) or striving to establish one is an Islamic obligation. Informed and committed Muslims agree on this point. What is less well understood is the process by which the Khilafah would be achieved.
The Islamic State was established in Madinah when Allah (swt) granted permission to His beloved Prophet (saws) to make the hijrah (migration). It was not voluntary exit; the Makkan mushriks had plotted to kill the noble Messenger (saws) but Allah (swt) protected him from their plot, enabling his perilous escape from his city of birth.
What is also important to note is that no force or coercion was used to obtain the approval or consent of the various constituencies present in the city-State.
Upon arrival in Madinah, the noble Messenger (saws) established the Islamic State on the basis of fairness and justice. All constituencies—Muslims, non-Muslims, Jews and others—were accommodated in the Covenant of Madinah and given both rights and responsibilities. What is also important to note is that no force or coercion was used to obtain the approval or consent of the various constituencies present in the city-State.
The Makkan mushriks, however, did not leave the noble Messenger (saws) and his followers in peace in Madinah. They came after them and launched several attacks. On some occasions, the Muslims successfully defended themselves; at other times, they suffered setbacks but ultimately they prevailed.
The most important lesson from the Prophet’s (saws) Seerah for our present discussion is the liberation of Makkah in the 8th year of the hijrah. The mushriks had violated the terms of their agreement with the Prophet (saws) by killing a Muslim ally. They compounded the crime by killing the person within the boundaries of the Haram (sacred sanctuary) of Makkah.The Prophet (saws) and his followers entered Makkah without waging war or causing bloodshed. The Prophet (saws) announced that those that stayed inside their homes or sought sanctuary in the Ka‘aba would be guaranteed protection and safety of life.
The most important lesson from the Prophet’s (saws) Seerah for our present discussion is the liberation of Makkah in the 8th year of the hijrah. Under the terms of the agreement as well as under customary law, the Prophet (saws) would have been perfectly justified in lining up the Makkan mushriks and executing them for a long list of crimes. Muslims could have avenged years of torture and persecution yet the Prophet (saws) chose forgiveness over revenge and bloodshed.
Under the terms of the agreement as well as under customary law, the Prophet (saws) would have been perfectly justified in lining up the Makkan mushriks and executing them for a long list of crimes. Muslims could have avenged years of torture and persecution yet the Prophet (saws) chose forgiveness over revenge and bloodshed.
Fast forward to today and consider what is going on in Iraq by the group that calls itself the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham/Syria (ISIS). The group has indulged in a reign of terror and wanton killings of completely innocent people. Sanctity of life means nothing to this group and its leaders. They have perverted such noble concepts as jihad and the Islamic State. Mass execution of civilians and even surrendered soldiers are their signature marks. They claim to be struggling to establish the Khilafah (Islamic State). They carry the banner with the kalimah inscribed on it and have managed to attract disgruntled and alienated Muslim youth from all over the world—Muslim as well as non-Muslim—but their conduct leaves much to be desired.
Their simplistic understanding of Islam and devious alliances with anti-Islamic regimes has exposed their true agenda. They are nothing but tools of demonic regimes whether in the Muslim world or outside. No Khilafah has ever been established by aligning with tyrannical monarchies or imperialist/Zionist forces. This is the very antithesis of Islam. If regimes like those in Saudi Arabia, Qatar or Kuwait, for instance, are truly supportive of establishing an Islamic government, a good starting point would be their own countries. These regimes clamp down hard on any demand for fairness, justice and an end to corruption, much less the call for establishing the Islamic State. So how can any Muslim with even limited knowledge of Islam, the Qur’an and the Prophet’s Sunnah support or justify the barbaric practices of ISIS?
No Islamic State can be erected on the skulls of innocent people or by shedding rivers of blood. This is the hallmark of the imperialists and Zionists. Islam has nothing to do such conduct.
No Islamic State can be erected on the skulls of innocent people or by shedding rivers of blood. This is the hallmark of the imperialists and Zionists. Islam has nothing to do such conduct. There can be no compromise on this point. Muslims cannot allow misguided and deviant characters to hijack the deen of Islam.