Two alien regimes, in occupation of holy lands, are forced by circumstances to declare their unholy alliance.
Two regimes in the world claim legitimacy on the basis of religion: Bani Saud (aka Saudi Arabia) and Bani Israel (otherwise known as Israel). That neither claim is valid is amply demonstrated by their anti-human practices. Bani Saud follow a rigid literalist interpretation of Islam (for the cameras) that the vast majority of Muslims in the world categorically reject. The Zionist State of Israel claims to be “Jewish” but even most Jewish people do not accept this ludicrous claim.
There are other similarities between them leading some to speculate that Bani Saud are in fact descendants of the Jews. In the absence of clear proof we will refrain from indulging in such talk. Bani Saud have illegally occupied the holy land of the Arabian Peninsula including the Hijaz while the Zionists occupy the holy land of Palestine. They are both alien invaders in the lands they occupy. Bani Saud are Bedouins from Najd whose trademark is mass slaughter and the destruction of holy sites in Makkah and Madinah. Bani Israel have no roots in Palestine. The vast majority came as colonizing occupiers from Europe — East and West — and North America and pushed the indigenous population from their lands at gunpoint.
The other common factor between them is their total dependence on the US. True, there are major differences as well. The Americans treat Bani Saud as a cash cow while the wily Zionists pilfer money from the US. They would not survive without such US handouts. No American president can say no to them because the Zionists have a stranglehold on the US political, economic, and mass communications systems.
While Bani Saud and Bani Israel do not have formal diplomatic relations, this has not prevented them from hugging and kissing each other, even in public. Both are mortal enemies of Islam and fear the Islamic movement because they are aware that only committed Muslims are capable of consigning them to the dustbin of history where they rightly belong.
Two developments among others have brought them into an even tighter embrace and forced them to discard their coyness about each other. One is the success of the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979 that led to the establishment of the first Islamic state in contemporary history. The other is the impact of this revolution on regional developments whether relating to the emergence of Hizbullah in Lebanon, Tehran’s principled support for the Palestinian struggle, or adherence to its agreement with the Syrian government to prevent its collapse through an international conspiracy.
While these developments have caused panic among the imperialists, they have also exposed the true nature of Bani Saud and their kissing cousins, the Zionists. Bani Saud stand exposed as the enemies of Allah (swt), His Prophet (pbuh), and the committed Muslims while Bani Israel emerge as habitual troublemakers in the world.
They deserve each other but their criminal conspiracies against committed Muslims not only expose them, they also bring the day closer when they will both disappear from the face of this earth. Injustice and oppression cannot last forever. They will both discover this sooner rather than later, insha’allah.