After three rounds of intense negotiations in Geneva, Iran and the P5+1 countries signed an interim deal in the early hours of November 24 relating to Iran’s nuclear program. The deal to last for six months calls for Iran to limit its nuclear activity in return for some relief from sanctions.
After experiencing repeated failures in its policies, especially in Syria, Iraq and Egypt, Turkey has embarked on a course correction in foreign policy. One hopes these are sincere and that Ankara would work for peace and justice rather than disunity in the region.
The American political system is hostage to money. Lobbies rule the roost. The US, however, is not the only country where money talks. Other countries also use money to buy influence or favour. The Saudis use money to create fitna in the Ummah.
In Islam difference of opinion is permitted but in a respectful manner. Sectarianism is a deliberately propagated ideology of hate in which one group of Muslims denounces another as ‘kafirs’ and even resorts to killing. Such hate ideology must be exposed and confronted.
Bandar, the illegitimate son of Sultan born of an illicit affair with a black maid, is the black sheep of the Saudi family. It is not his skin colour but his dark deeds that have aroused so much contempt for him. Like Wahshi, the murderer of Hamza (ra), he is filled with hate.
For more than 30 years, Islamic Iran has held its ground—on the battlefield, on its right to enrich uranium and to establish a system of government based on Islamic principles. This has demanded sacrifices but ultimately, it was its enemies that blinked and came to the negotiating table.
The US and its Western and Zionist-Wahhabi allies may have lost in Syria but this should not lead one to conclude that their mischief-making is over. Vigiliance and prudent rather than complacency are required.
Let by unrealistic expectations of reviving the Ottoman legacy, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erdogan chewed more than he could swallow in Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon. After repeated failures, Ankara has embarked on a course correction, one hopes, in sincerity.
Pakistan has been gripped by sectarian violence for decades but in recent times, it has become more vicious. Committed Muslims, representing “Shi’is” and “Sunnis” from many parts of the world gathered in Turkey to work toward ending this unnecessary conflict in the Ummah.
There are scores of groups operating under the name “Taliban.” True, there are genuine Taliban but there are also many that are on the payroll of the US, India and other unsavoury players. Even common criminals have take on the name of Taliban and are terrorising ordinary people, especially in Pakistan.
By massively rigging the vote and having it declared a day before the actual election date, Ilham Aliyev's regime increased the possibility of a civil war.
At a time when the US economy is struggling, President Barack Obama has embarked on another massive spending spree indicating who he ultimately answers to. By launching a new generation of aircraft carrier, the Gerald Ford, at a price of $14 billion a piece, the three aircraft carriers will set the US economy into more debt.
Afghanistan does not need Western-style democracy but a return to its traditional method of solving disputes in the country. Twelve years of stuffing democracy down the throats of Afghans has created more chaos and mayhem with no end in sight to this tragedy for the people.
Contrary to popular misunderstanding, Kashmir is not a territorial dispute between India and Pakistan but about the right of the Kashmiris to determine their own future. This has been recognized under International law and enshrined in several United Nations Security Council resolutions.
The Muslim world is in so much turmoil because Muslims have allowed the two holiest cities of Islam—Makkah and Madinah—to fall into the hands of primitive savages from the darkest crevices of the desert in Nejd, Central Arabia. It is important to know where the House of Saud emerged from.
In his book, Hegemony and Sovereign Equality: The Interest Contiguity Theory in International Relations, M J Balogun argues for a new set of principles to guide international relations making a strong case for discarding the old discredit methods used so far.
The Zionists never give up. Not only have they stolen almost all of Palestine but they have also intensified their encroachment and attacks on the Haram al-Sharif that contains the Masjid al-Aqsa. Muslims worldwide should take note of this and prevent the Zionists from succeeding.
Saudi policies, carried out with support from the Zionists and imperialists, have failed utterly. They are now resorting to extremely desperate measures.
In the changed global environment, only adherence to Islamic principles will bring about the kind of change Muslims are looking for.
The US has become addicted to killing innocents with drones but ultimately, it is the responsibility of the Pakistani government to protect its people.
Decisions carry consequences; and faulty decisions will lead to negative consequences as the Hamas leadership has found to its cost.
Why is Malala promoted but Nabeela, another Pakistani girl who is the victim of US drone strikes, is ignored, is a question many in Pakistan are beginning to raise including this reader.