Bandar, the illegitimate son of Sultan born of an illicit affair with a black maid, is the black sheep of the Saudi family. It is not his skin colour but his dark deeds that have aroused so much contempt for him. Like Wahshi, the murderer of Hamza (ra), he is filled with hate.
Muslims have been subjected to the worst kind of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and scandalous conspiracies. From the Yahud in Madinah, to the mushriks of Makkah, to the reprehensible resurgence of Umayyad ‘asabiyah and all its monarchical and tyrannical manifestations… to the Euro-Crusades, the Inquisitions, Mongol pillaging and ransacking, the era of colonialism and imperialism, the occupation of Palestine and Kashmir… and to the myriad other acts of aggression and hegemony in Afghanistan and Iraq. The agonies and the tragedies are nerve-racking and mind-boggling. Any sane person watching the history line of Muslims is amazed at the fact that the Muslims are still around, still counted, and still promising.
Alas, there is a new chapter to be added to the long and bloody history of aggression against the Muslims. This is the combined imperialist and Zionist drive to smother current Islamic self-determination through their vassal tribal state of Saudi Arabia.
Let us say it as it is: this new episode is meant to be a Sunni-Shi‘i civil war. Its tentacles extend from Pakistan to Yahudistan (Israel).
Let us say it as it is: this new episode is meant to be a Sunni-Shi‘i civil war. Its tentacles extend from Pakistan to Yahudistan (Israel). The match that is lighting this fuse is the Saudi regime. And the hand that is swiping that match is Bandar ibn Sultan. Let it be known that an Islamic (Sunni-Shi‘i) civil war would be next to impossible were it not for the fanatic and takfiri types that are groomed and then let loose by the rabid religious establishment in the satanic Saudi state. Spearheading this diabolic sectarian satanic strategy is the dark prince Bandar, otherwise referred to as “Bandar Bush.” This Bandar ibn Satan is quickly becoming the master spook of practically all the sectarian havoc in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. He is off on secret missions from Israel to Turkey and from Arabia to America. He has gone mad; he is obsessed with taking down Islamic Iran.
Last year he promised his uncle-king ‘Abdullah that the Syrian regime will be gone in a matter of months. The gentleman’s agreement between Washington and Riyadh was to have Bandar in charge of Saudi intelligence to get rid of Bashar al-Asad and Hizbullah, and to force Islamic Iran to fold up its nuclear program altogether. Bandar’s demon tells him that Iran has to be destroyed by hook or by crook! Washington’s intellectual nincompoops thought that the Saudi regime with its finances and fanaticism is capable of delivering Iran on a silver platter! In the past few months the oldsters of the Saudi family have been furious with Bandar because he was spending most of his time in the Jordanian resort of ‘Aqabah hobnobbing with his Israeli counterparts — being exposed to Jordanian journalists and media.
For all we know, the recent explosions in Beirut at the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran may have been concocted by Bandar and his Israeli contacts over some cognac and kebabs, while overlooking the sandy beaches of the Gulf of ‘Aqabah with all the beach vice that inebriates the senses. Scores of deadly explosions have punctuated the landscape from the country of Jinnah to the suburb of Janah courtesy of Bandar’s evanescent schemes borne of his Zionist and imperialist bedfellows. Along this arc of sectarian warfare, literally hundreds of innocent Muslims (Sunnis and Shi‘is) are being killed every day; and in the meantime Bandar is entertaining dreams of grand delusion.
The new twist in the imperialist 5+1 may be causing Bandar some serious sleep apnea. The more it appears that Washington is on the verge of a deal of sorts with Iran, the more Bandar’s political temperature is rising. The more things continue the way they have the more Bandar may go into diplomatic daze and operative frustration.
In the larger picture, Washington is playing Bandar for the fool. Little does CIA Bandar know that he is part of the carrot and stick policy that is being used to “tame” the Islamic Republic’s legitimate pursuit of peaceful nuclear technology. Washington is all photogenic smiles in Europe while behind the scenes it is working on Bandar’s ego to kill off Islamic Iran’s 30-year foreign policy to liberate Palestine.
The dark prince of Arabia may think that unintended circumstances have aligned him with Netanyahu while in reality it is his feeble-mindedness that has bolstered this Saudi-Israeli alliance. The Zionists have a command and control position over Washington; the warlords of Washington have a choke-hold over Riyadh, and Bandar has his carrots and sticks, with which he harnesses his sectarian zombies. Thirty years ago no one in their wildest imagination would have thought that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia would become instrumental in destroying Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. The Saudi-Israeli alliance has been cemented by Sultan (or is it Satan’s) love child — Bandar. The Saudi family ruling class is now in its final act of proving its worth to its Zionist and imperialist masters. The explosions in front of the Islamic Republic’s embassy in Beirut that resulted in 25 deaths and 150 wounded were not renounced by the Saudi kingdom as of this writing. The Saudi evildoers are busy financing and arming all types of takfiris in their arc of sectarianism extending from Asia’s far east to Africa’s far west.
Granted that fanatics are all over the place: Sunnis and Shi‘is. But what is emerging is that Shi‘i fanatics have not matched the level of violence perpetrated by their Sunni counterparts.
Granted that fanatics are all over the place: Sunnis and Shi‘is. But what is emerging is that Shi‘i fanatics have not matched the level of violence perpetrated by their Sunni counterparts. This is not to say that there is something intrinsically fanatical about either Sunnis or Shi‘is. It is that a good number of Sunnis have fallen under the spell of sectarianism due to their connections with the Saudi financial family empire. Suicidal sectarians are gaining ground in some limited areas — abetted by their shadow accomplices from Mossad, the CIA, MI6, and a host of Arabian intelligence services led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia morphing into Saudi Hebraica.
The latest seesaw developments in Syria don’t bode well for Bandar and his henchmen. There are noticeable defections and a rollback of guerrilla tactics — to the chagrin of the Saudi hodgepodge of allies. The Saudi regime led by Bandar Bush is playing with fire. They are burning their sectarian card in Syria, Iraq, Bahrain, Yemen, and Lebanon. Once sectarianism devolves into ashes, the Saudis are going to have to live with a post-sectarian Muslim world which will be able to diagnose the source of its ills — that is, Saudi Arabia. Once sectarianism is defeated in Syria, Saudi Arabia will be exposed for all to see. If the Saudi elders do not get rid of Bandar, and there is no indication yet that they will, then he is going to drag them into a hellhole on earth, and down will go Saudi Arabia, Bandar, and all.
The Saudi sectarian contagion in Lebanon is meant to shift the budding attention of renaissance Muslims from self-determination, independence, and the liberation of Palestine to sectarian self-destruction.
The Saudi sectarian contagion in Lebanon is meant to shift the budding attention of renaissance Muslims from self-determination, independence, and the liberation of Palestine to sectarian self-destruction. At a time when the Saudi clan is demonizing Shi‘is, it is angelizing Israel.
Our memory is not short: in March 1985 there was an earth-shaking explosion in Bi’r al-‘Abd (a Beirut Shi‘i neighborhood) that resulted in 95 innocent civilians killed and hundreds of others injured. At that time Bandar was Saudi ambassador to Washington and he bragged about his cooperation with the CIA on American public TV. Lo and behold, Bandar’s cronies and military minions in Lebanon lost and Hizbullah emerged with confidence, credibility, and popularity. When the time comes, Bandar will realize that targeting innocent people will not advance his Israeli cause and that rubbing shoulders with Israeli officials is counterproductive.
The spike in takfiri terrorist attacks is concomitant with the sinking Saudi stature in Syria. The larger plan is to defeat Hizbullah and the resistance to Zionist occupation by engulfing them in sectarian and even petty-politics sedition. Qatar was leading the charge, now it has fallen back to a rear position with the Saudi regime in the front line of this sectarian onslaught with green lights flashing from Washington. Remember, the Saudi seniles cannot do anything without Washington’s approval and go-ahead.
For those who are living thousands of miles away from this arc of sectarianism and for those who receive their information from Saudi contaminated sources we have the following to say to them:
For those who are living thousands of miles away from this arc of sectarianism and for those who receive their information from Saudi contaminated sources we have the following to say to them: the takfiri attitude and “rationale” within what is called “Jabhat al-Nusrah” as well as “Da‘ish” (The Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham) who are supposed to fill in after the collapse of the Syrian regime — these outfits are not in sync with the Islamic movements that all of us are familiar with. In some areas in North Africa their salafi-jihadi kith and kin are targeting members of other Islamic trends and movements. The word “targeting” here means killing.
The way information is presented in this arena is anyone who “knocks down” false Islamics is considered to be pro-Syrian regime. And anyone who is against a Saudi-Israeli-American imposed regime is considered to be pro-Syrian regime. The entanglement of this mental mess is hard to overcome simply because the media is at it night and day. And that is the dilemma of the Syrian people: the regime does not represent them and the Saudi financed and imperialist controlled rebel groups do not represent them. The Syrian regime is a utility of a larger Islamic program to liberate Palestine and the rebels are cannon fodder for a regime replacement that will be, in a best-case scenario, Zionist-neutral and in the worst case scenario, Zionist-friendly, with all the Islamic decoration and religious ornaments that go with it.
Has anyone ever taken a deep breath, stepped out of this morass for a moment and asked: who are the ‘ulama of the sectarian takfiris?
Has anyone ever taken a deep breath, stepped out of this morass for a moment and asked: who are the ‘ulama of the sectarian takfiris? Dis-entangle yourself from the zealotry and the prejudice and you will realize that these takfiri shoot-to-kill types are riding their egos and referring to internet sites that may be run by any intelligence service or a combination of them that are inimical to Islamic self-determination and a future of Islamic justice and freedom.
Bandar is a physical lovechild — his father (Sultan) sired him from an illicit affair with an African maid. Beyond the obvious, Bandar is also an emotional lovechild — his godfather (Bush) sired him from an illegitimate relation with Zio-imperialist spooks.
Verily, as for those who diabolically persuade committed Muslim men and women, and thereafter do not repent, Hell’s suffering awaits them: yes indeed, suffering through fire awaits them! (85:10)