The principal philosophy behind fasting in Ramadan is to build taqwa. What does it mean? Zafar Bangash explains.
1The Anglo-Wahhabi-zionist mafia is determined to prevent a peaceful resolution to the crisis in Syria by flooding the country with weapons and al-Qaeda terrorists.
Muslims worldwide must develop a better understanding of the true nature of Al Saud and not fall for their poisonous propaganda
The news from Myanmar is as grim as it can get. Not only have tens of thousands of Rohingya Muslims been driven from their homes, their homes and villages have been torched by criminal gangs, aided and abetted by Myanmar security forces.
US provocations in the Persian Gulf by amassing warships, planes and missiles could easily trigger a war with Islamic Iran
The war is on but this one may very well be the opening shots of Armageddon. The war parties are as diverse as they come.
In this column last month, I discussed the context and implications of the Ikhwan’s success in Egypt’s presidential elections in June.
A Friday sermon I attended curbside on an oppressively hot day earlier last month turned out to be a long-sought breath of fresh air.
Election year, when the elaborate stagecraft and electoral machinery anointing the US president roars into gear, is now upon us.
The notion that the West plays by the rules, which sound great on paper, and works in accordance with established principles, has led to tragic consequences for Islamic movements in places like Algeria and Bahrain.
As leader of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), Recep Tayyip Erdogan has dominated Turkish politics for many years.
In the midst of an existential struggle for survival, Russian criticism of Saudi Arabia’s deplorable human rights record touched the kingdom’s raw nerve.
In Israeli-NATO “liberated” Libya, endless violence has forced many people to hark back to the days of Qaddafi rule.
The US-backed Aliyev regime uses gimmicks and tame opposition to stay in power.
This year, August 14 — Pakistan’s Independence Day — marks a historic moment. In 1947, when Pakistan gained independence from British colonial rule in India, it was the month of Ramadan.
In Part 1 of his article on the acquisition of political power, Dr. Perwez Shafi examines the peculiar evolution of Sunni political thought and its crippling impact on the contemporary Islamic movement.
Without even waiting for official confirmation, the Zionists were quick to make accusations against Islamic Iran for the Bulgarian but attack. Was it another Israeli false flag operations?
With every new story, Zionism is confirmed as a racist ideology.
It is not only distressing but disgusting that the Canadian government refuses to stand up for one of its own citizens.
We, “all of us Muslims” have to start saying we are “Muslims.” As the Almighty Allah (swt) states in ayat 33:5, 9:11, 49:10, a Muslim is a brother to a Muslim.
I recall reading that incarcerated Muslims in prison are the “Forgotten Muslims.” I asked myself, why?
The military junta in Egypt is not only incompetent but also corrupt. They should not be in power.