The euphoria that greeted the official announcement confirming victory of Dr. Mohamed al-Mursi of Hizb al-Hurriyah wa-al-‘Adalah (the Freedom and Justice Party) in the run-off presidential election of June 16 and 17 may prove short-lived.
It was unrealistic to expect that the military in Egypt would simply roll over and hand power to the elected representatives of the people.
Syria’s shooting down of a Turkish fighter jet on June 22 reflects the deep Turkish involvement in the internal affairs of its neighbor and how far relations have nosedived between the two.
Pakistan is once again gripped by political and social upheavals. With rapidly deteriorating economic and law and order situations, there is real danger of an implosion.
During the course of the past 18 months the world in general and the Muslims in particular were watching the movement of people and the counter-movements of regimes.
The confirmation on June 24 that Muhammad Mursi, the candidate representing the Ikhwan al-Muslimeen, had been elected President of Egypt, has a certain air of inevitability.
I must be a bigger fuddy-duddy than I thought because I’m finding the rich-and-famous lifestyles of many religious scholars quite scandalous.
With the gory newsfeed of the Houla massacre, the war in Syria seems to be morphing into the horror movie storyline from a DVD watched too many times on Friday rec-nights.
How racist is the Zionist State of Israel? Consider this. Danny Danon, a Knesset member of the ruling rightwing Likud Partyleads the organization, Deportation Now.
When Israeli soldiers savagely attacked the Mavi Marmara, the flagship of the Gaza-bound aid flotilla on May 30, 2010, they shot and killed nine Turkish activists; 60 others were wounded.
On July 10, 2012, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights will decide the fate of five Muslim men facing extradition to the US.
Canadian citizen Omar Khadr, now nearly 26 years old, was supposed to have returned to Canada from Guantanamo Bay at the end of October under a deal brokered between the US and Canadian governments.
The death on June 16 of Saudi “Crown Prince” Nayef ibn ‘Abd al-Aziz in Geneva has sent the desert kingdom into a frenzy of grief and panic.
With the passing of the 64th anniversary of the Nakba, (the establishment of the illegal Zionist state on the land and homes of Palestinians), shall we mourn or celebrate?
Muhammad al-Hashimi, a scholar of international political economy with special research focus on African and Muslim countries, looks at some key developments in Ethiopia.
1Islamophobia in the post-9/11 age seems to be such a deeply integral part of the US cultural landscape that one would have to be an archaeologist in order to unearth prior states of mind.
Western governments have strange ways of dealing with others. They start with the claim that they represent the will of the international community.
The great hopes aroused by the ouster of two long-ruling dictators in Tunisia and Egypt appear to have dimmed.
I am a second-generation Palestinian living in exile because I am not allowed to return to Jerusalem where I was born.
It is now clear that the US-NATO combine has lost in Afghanistan. They cannot make any more excuses.
I agree with Br. Shahid Saleem’s letter when he says there is no free speech in the US.
The US is in terminal decline. Its economy is shattered and there is little prospect of recovery, at least in the near future.