Since Russia considers the Caucasus as its soft underbelly from where it might begin to unravel, any Zionist influence on events in the Caucasus will increase Israel’s bargaining power whenever it wants Russia to implement pro-Zionist policies. As cooperation between Iran and Russia increases, it seems Israel will also attempt to increase its influence even beyond Georgia in order to have greater leverage against Russia...
Notwithstanding the Christian Arabians, the presence of Islam is what rendered the Arab-Israeli a truly horrifying nightmare to the Zionist mind...
It is important to clarify at the outset what Zionism, or to call it by its correct name, political Zionism is not...
For years British Muslims have been pressured by the government, media, think tanks, and even some Muslim community leaders to renounce violence as a means of bringing about change for their communities, both in the UK and abroad...
“America has the best democracy money can buy,” is not merely a catchy slogan; it accurately captures the essence and nature of US democracy...
Delivering democracy has become the all-purpose justification for every crime perpetrated by Western governments against other people...
Politicians in the West love to play wedge politics. Picking on the weakest members of society is their favourite ploy but the recent hysteria about niqab — the full facial and body covering, except an opening for the eyes, worn by some Muslim women — is quite out of proportion with what is perceived as a “threat” to Western freedoms and liberties...
In the 62 years since its creation and numerous wars later, the Zionist entity has engulfed virtually the entire Middle East into flames...
Among the many skeletons in the Vatican’s vast closet, the one that keeps rattling most frequently is that of child-molesting priests. The most recent revelations involve one Rev. Marcial Maciel Dagellado, the charismatic founder of the Legionaries of Christ, a close ally of the late Pope John Paul II...
To understand the Arabian regimes’ open alliance with Israel, and open hostility to the Islamic State of Iran, one must consider their origins...
Britain goes to the polls on May 6, to elect the government that is expected to run the country for the next five years. Unlike most elections in recent years, the contest is genuinely too close for the results to be predicted...
No one really knows the number of pro-Israeli and anti-Islamic forces stationed by the US in and around Arabia
The publicly-stated objective of the Washington conference was to collect all loose nuclear material from around the world, and to prevent such material from falling into the hands of “terrorists”.
Democracy is undoubtedly the most commonplace and widely accepted political concept in the modern world. It is barely an exaggeration to say that it has achieved the status of a universal myth; very few people in the world dare challenge the principles associated with it, and most accept it...
As if a meteorological blizzard was not enough during this past winter, Washington is now afflicted by a psychological blizzard. The media mouthpieces are blowing hot and cold — declaiming wildly what an observer would call an arctic chill that is descending upon the political tundra between the Knesset and the White House...
The following day while driving back from Islamabad to Peshawar, the news on the car radio startled me: in a communist-led military coup, Sardar Daoud and his entire family had been murdered in Afghanistan...
Mention EL AL and O.R. Tambo in a single sentence and you are likely to conjure up images of a spooky environment. Perhaps more damning for South Africa, EL AL and Oliver R. Tambo may also symbolize the shaky grounds of a legacy inherited from the ghostly past of apartheid...
The question, whether “Somalia’s ‘president’ is a nationalist or agent of Western interventionists” is not an idle one. Sheikh Sharif Ahmed was installed as head of Somalia’s powerless interim government (IG) last year, and has been maintained in his dubious position since then by Western countries, their allies, the African Union (AU) and the UN “to fight al-Qaeda in Africa”...
Events in Afghanistan are moving so fast that it is often difficult to keep pace. The two-day visit to Islamabad (March 9 and 10) by the Afghan President Hamid Karzai was preceded by two other events: a visit on March 9 to Kabul...
A year after they were banished into the political wilderness, America’s neo-conservatives are back. To show they are serious, they held their political-fest in the very city they love to hate: Washington, DC. From February 18–20, the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC)...
“India is an idea whose time has come,” declared Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh recently. The lofty statement, tailor-made for diplomatic conference rooms, suggests that India has emerged as a mature democracy and major nation state on the global stage...
In the search for excellence, we often forget the basics because excellence is a prevailing attitude, not an exception. Parents have the most daunting task of all; they are entrusted with the future of their children...
The UAE sheikhdom was cobbled together by the British before they left the region in 1971...
When Chadian President Idriss Deby visited Khartoum in mid-February and was embraced by President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan, the event was a great surprise to everyone familiar with the nature of hostility between the two countries...
However, the secularist block cannot be completely written off, at least at the tactical level...
There is certainly no doubt that Allawi’s success is something of a surprise in terms of the pre-election expectations...
To examine the roots of post-election events in Iran from the Iranian perspective, Crescent International invited Dr. Saam Mahdi Torabi to contribute a guest column for this edition...
These are not allegations made by America-haters or people who “hate America’s freedoms”, in the infamous words of George Bush...
In this issue, we take a closer look at Zionist mythology and the true nature of the Zionist State. Several myths have been peddled to camouflage the real character of the colonial settler entity. Wrapped in the messianic notion of God’s promise to the “Chosen People”...
David Frum, George Bush’s former speechwriter, is not the kind of person one would invite to dinner. Like all Zionists, he is arrogant, pushy and full of himself. He coined the infamous phrase “axis of evil” used in Bush’s State of the Union address...