Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not a reliable tool to assess the quality of translation of The Ascendant Qur’an. Further, AI is not intelligent enough to assess the profound of message contained therein.
The Ascendant Qur'an is a masterful English translation that transcends traditional approach to the understanding of the noble Book. The translator's mastery of both Arabic and English makes this a unique translation in the large body of English translations.
Every Muslim has deep attachment to the noble Qur’an. In Ramadan, Muslims intensify their reading of the noble Book. It is, however, meant to be understood to implement its teachings in life. The new, contemporary translation by Imam Muhammad al Asi will help them achieve this objective.
As Muslims begin another month of fasting in Ramadan, they should turn to the noble Qur’an for guidance. A new, distinctive contemporary translation by Imam Muhammad al-Asi would help them understand its pristine message much better.
The divine Word of Allah—the noble Qur’an—must not only be read but understood in order to implement its message in our lives. For this reason, a new distinctive translation of the noble Qur’an has been prepared so that Muslims can begin to engage it in a more meaningful way.
Allah (swt) gave me a wonderful opportunity to finish reading the first volume of the tafsir, The Ascendant Qur’an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture.
Throughout the noble Qur’an and especially in this surah, we learn about the struggles of Allah’s Prophets (AS). They faced trials and tribulations, even exile and death, but they nonetheless upheld the principle of maintaining justice in society. It was through such sacrifices that Allah’s laws were ultimately implemented. Today in¬justices have been institutionalized at every level in society. The rich and powerful exploit the weak and poor. The wealth gap be¬tween the two has now reached an all-time extreme — yet no one in the public airwaves characterizes this as “extremism.” Far from recognizing that this is the direct result of man-made policies, the oppressors and tyrants blame the victims for their misfortune.
From its contents we can discern that Surah al-A‘raf, like the surah preceding it, was revealed in Makkah. The time period of revelation also appears to be the same: near the end of the Prophet’s mission in Makkah and in preparation for the Hijrah to Madinah. This is apparent from the reference to the Children of Israel and their argumentative behavior vis-à-vis Musa (AS). The Prophet (SAL) and the Muslims with him were about to encounter Banu Isra‘il, for the first time as an organized opposition, upon their arrival in Madinah.
The Ascendant Qur’an, celebrating its tenth anniversary (first volume was printed in 2008).
In his monumental tafsir, The Ascendant Qur’an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture, Imam Muhammad al-‘Asi guides us through these intricacies and alerts us to the dangers of human-tampered foods and meats. It is his discussion of such vital issues that makes this tafsir unique. The mufassirs of earlier tafsirs had not confronted the issues of genetically modified foods or hormone- and antibiotic-injected animals, as such practices — and the human “gods” who manage them — were either nonexistent or not widespread at the time.
As the last and final communication to all humanity from our Rabb (Lord and Sustainer), Allah (swt), the Qur’an needs to be properly understood for us to implement it. The Ascendant Qur’an: Realigning Man to the Divine Power Culture is a highly recommended tafsir of the 21st century and beyond.
It was in the month of Ramadan that the first few ayat of the majestic Qur’an were revealed to the noble Messenger (saws). Muslims must engage the divine Book in earnest. The Ascendant Qur’an by Imam Muhammad al Asi enables them to do so.
The first volume of ‘The Ascendant Qur’an’, Imam Muhammad al-Asi’s tafseer, was launched by the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought in Toronto on May 24. Crescent International took the opportunity to speak with Imam al-Asi about his tafseer, and his understanding of the challenges facing the global Islamic movement.