Sykes-Picot has collapsed and with it US hegemony in the region. When analyzing it we must seek the fundamental principle underpinning Sykes-Picot: control and protection of colonial interests.
The ISIS takfiris may have ripped the Sykes-Picot agreement of a century ago but what they plan to replace it with is hardly what Muslims are looking for.
The US invasion of Iraq has been widely described as the latest stage of a new American imperialism. It has also been described as intended to create a new regional order in the Middle East, often compared to the Sykes-Picot agreement after the first world war...
George Bush senior, father of the US president, attacked Iraq in 1991 because Saddam Husain had dared to disrupt the order imposed on the Middle East (by the Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916) by invading and occupying Kuwait.