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Keyword: Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)

Showing 1-15 of 15
News & Analysis

Iran Nuclear Deal and Western Hypocrisy

Zafar Bangash

Dhu al-Qa'dah 29, 14402019-08-01

Trump abandoned the Iran nuclear deal more than a year ago. Tehran waited for 14 months in hopes the other signatories would fulfill their obligations under the JCPOA. Beyond empty promises, they have done nothing.

News & Analysis

Leading Nuclear Leper’s Atrocious Conduct

Waseem Shehzad

Dhu al-Hijjah 21, 14392018-09-01

As the only country in the world to have used nuclear weapons, America continues to indulge in its atrocious conduct when it comes to nuclear weapons.


Nuclear lepers


Muharram 11, 14392017-10-01

Most people in the world are opposed to nuclear weapons as was evident from the vote in the UN General Assembly last month but the main culprits—the US and Zionist Israel—insist on maintaining their monopoly.

News & Analysis

Trump takes world to brink of nuclear war

Waseem Shehzad

Sha'ban 04, 14382017-05-01

Donald Trump and his minions are threatening the world with nuclear weapons while they accuse North Korean leaders of being ‘irrational’!

News & Analysis

West’s hypocrisy over nuclear weapons

Tahir Mustafa

Ramadan 14, 14362015-07-01

The West makes much noise about preventing proliferation of nuclear weapons but they themselves are not prepared to live up to their obligations as the latest SIPRI report shows.

News & Analysis

Iran nuclear deal: Can the US/West be trusted?

Tahir Mustafa

Sha'ban 14, 14362015-06-01

Despite the framework agreement that outlines the guidelines, the West led by the US is introducing new demands into the negotiations such as inspection of Iran’s military sites and interview of nuclear scientists. These could derail the talks.

Editor's Desk

Western regimes oppose nuclear-free Muslim East


Sha'ban 14, 14362015-06-01

While drum beating about Iran’s non-existent nuclear weapons program, Western regimes hypocritically refuse to make the Muslim East a nuclear-free zone because the Zionist regime possesses hundreds of weapons.

News & Analysis

Reviewing the NPT review conference

Zafar Bangash

Jumada' al-Ula' 16, 14312010-05-01

By the middle of last month, frustration was growing among non-nuclear states over the nuclear weapons states’ foot-dragging on important aspects of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)...


Obama’s nuclear hypocrisy exposed

Zafar Bangash

Dhu al-Qa'dah 24, 14312010-04-01

The publicly-stated objective of the Washington conference was to collect all loose nuclear material from around the world, and to prevent such material from falling into the hands of “terrorists”.

Special Reports

Irrelevance of nuclear weapons

Yusuf Abdullah

Sha'ban 10, 14302009-08-01

The NPT was opened for signatures in 1968. Initially, the US, Soviet Union, Britain and 59 other countries signed the treaty...


Iran unfazed by UN resolution imposing sanctions over nuclear programme

Zafar Bangash

Dhu al-Hijjah 11, 14272007-01-01

In what may be one of the UN’s most hypocritical moves ever, the Security Council imposed nonmilitary sanctions on Iran on December 23 for its peaceful nuclear-power programme. That the resolution went through several drafts over the course of two months reflected deep divisions among Council members, but its final passage reconfirmed that the UN does not live up to its high-sounding principles or care about the rights of others

Guest Editorial

Islamic Iran’s failure to rise above the constraints of “international legality”

Abu Dharr

Jumada' al-Akhirah 05, 14272006-07-01

Some clear truths are too serious for diplomatic dissemblers to acknowledge. One of these it the clear reality of the nature of theWashington regime's foreign policy. For at least half a century, American foreign policy has matched Israel's in its hostility to the self-determination of Muslims.


US and Europe offer new nuclear proposals after Iran refuses to cave in to threats

Zia Sarhadi

Jumada' al-Akhirah 05, 14272006-07-01

After making a grand retreat from the deliberately contrived nuclear standoff with Iran that even its close allies had found distasteful, US officials still continue to behave as if everyone must snap to attention whenever they click their fingers. This was again seen on June 21, when US president Bush was in Vienna for talks with European rulers.


Iran succeeds in averting the almost inevitable in defence of its nuclear programme

Naeem-ul Haq

Sha'ban 27, 14262005-10-01

Iran won what may be regarded as a partial and temporary victory at the International Atomic Energy Commission (IAEA) on September 24, when the UN nuclear agency’s board refrained from acceding to American demands that it immediately refer Iran to the UN Security Council for alleged breaches of the nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty (NPT).


US increasing Iraq-style pressure on Iran over its nuclear program

Waseem Shehzad

Rajab 27, 14262005-09-01

Nothing illustrates the West’s hypocrisy better than its attitude to the issue of nuclear technology and its use for the generation of energy. There are several layers of hypocritical behaviour: countries that do not possess nuclear know-how must be denied its use because it is alleged that this would lead to their making nuclear weapons.

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