The principal philosophy behind fasting in Ramadan is to build taqwa. What does it mean? Zafar Bangash explains.
1The holy month of Ramadan, the month of fasting and the most special time of the year for most Muslims, is almost upon us. It is a time that Muslims everywhere look forward to with anticipation, and the passing of which for another year is widely mourned.
There is a close relationship between the noble Qur’an and Ramadan. It was in this month in the fortieth year of his life in Makkah that Muhammad (pbuh) had a dramatic encounter in the Cave of Hira’ with the archangel, Gabriel (a).
This year, the month of September coincides with the holy month of Ramadan. In the Seerah of the Prophet and throughout Muslim history, this has been a month of jihad and activism. Yet in the modernworld., it has become one of passivity and personal piety. FAHAD ANSARI explores this paradox.
Ramadan, the month of fasting, is linked to a number of important events in Islamic history. It is the month in which the Qur’an was first sent down from the Lawh Mahfuz (the “well-guarded tablet,” al-Qur’an 85:22) and in its earthly form given to the Prophet Muhammad (saw).
1A number of important landmarks in Islamic history are associated with the month of Ramadan. In the second year of the Hijra, the nascent Muslim community was tested by the Battle of Badr during this month..
The correct dates for the beginning of Ramadhan and the celebration of Eid al-Fitr and issues which often cause confusion in the community. Here WASEEM SHEHZAD explains how the dates are determined, and what the dates for these blessed days are this year.
The arrival of the holy month of Ramadan normally evokes greater degrees of piety and solidarity among Muslims, but its approach this year has already triggered a bitter and dirty competition between Arab television stations for audiences.