There is not going to be any let-up in the West's anti-Iran propaganda despite the July 14 nuclear agreement. The vicious propaganda has simply assumed a more subtle form but the underlying objective is to undermine the Islamic Republic because it has established a successful Islamic model that is a challenge to the Western-imposed world order.
There are three countries in the Muslim world that are on the Yahudi radar screen. The first and most obvious one is the Islamic Republic of Iran. The global Zionist “deep state” is playing good-cop, bad-cop with Islamic Iran. The “good cops” as well as the “bad cops” are divided among themselves. Europe doesn’t see things the way America does and Russia doesn’t see things the way China does when it comes to Islamic self-determination. But for now they act as if they have reached an agreement with Islamic Iran. How this will play out in the coming months and years will be interesting and instructive to watch.
Americans are so used to being lied to that when they are told the truth, they refuse to believe it. For more than three decades, the US establishment has been harping about Iran’s non-existent nuclear bomb. Now that the people are told that there is no such thing, most Americans find it hard to believe it. Perhaps, they can be forgiven. The dumbing down of America is so thorough that 38% of college students believe France shares a border with America. An equal number believes Uganda is a plant or an animal.
Will the long-delayed Russian supply of S-300 surface-to-air missiles to Iran ever near resolution? A large delegation of Iranian defence officials was in Moscow to attend the International Aviation and Space Salon (MAKS) air show in the last week of August. The show is held every two years at the Ramenskoye Airport 40km (25 miles) southeast of Moscow. The Iranian offi-cials also had discussions with their Russian counterparts about the delivery of the S-300 systems for which a contract was signed in 2007. Dmitry Shla-pentokh provides background to the Russia-Iran S-300 deal.
It is premature to pass a final judgment on the agreement that was signed on July 14 in Europe (not in any Muslim country) between a nuclear club of nations on one side and a non-nuclear Islamic Iran on the other.
Iran and the P5+1 group of countries have reached a framework agreement after marathon sessions over the last eight days. Drafting of the agreement with all its technical details will begin soon to complete the process by June 30. Once completed, all sanctions against Iran whether by the UN, US or EU will be lifted in return for Iran limiting its nuclear activities for 10 years.
There are strong indications that Hamas-Iran relations have gone back to their old warmth. These had been marred by Hamas' negative attitude over the crisis in Syria. Now that it has become apparent that the conspiracy to overthrow Bashar al Asad's government has failed, Hamas has sobered up. This is a positive development.
Islamic Iran's negotiators have made clear that if the P5+1 group of countries led by the US are really serious about a deal over Tehran's nuclear program, then all sanctions must be lifted. The latest round of talks have been underway in the Swiss city of Montreux. Iran's Foreign Minister Dr Javad Zarif and his US counterpart met yesterday and talks are continuing at expert level today. March 31 has been set as a deadline for a deal.
There was no progress in two days of talks in Oman despite the three top diplomats--Iranian Foreign Minister Dr Javad Zarif, US Secretary of State John Kerry and EU Foreign Policy chief Catherine Ashton--held 10 hours of discussions. The talks were described as “intense, serious and tough”. What this meant was that both sides held to their positions without making any concessions.