Wars cause death and destruction. Most people understand this and therefore, oppose all such wars. The latest US threats against Iran are being opposed by people all over the world with anti-war rallies in some 210 cities
Since the Second World War, the US, Britain’s upstart North American cousin, has supplanted London in carrying the white man’s burden. If British policy was characterized by cunning and guile, America has carried out cowboy style raids into others’ lands in pursuit of its “Manifest Destiny”...
Iran Under Khatami: A Political, Economic, and Military Assessment by Patrick Clawson et al. Pub: The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Washington DC, 1998. Pp. 114. Pbk. US$19.95.
Although millions of people from Manila to Montreal joined peace rallies on January 18, these may not prevent the US war-machine, fuelled by raw imperial ambition and lust for oil, from attacking Iraq. Americans are now playing a leading role in the peace movement...