That fascism is now well entrenched in the corridors of power in India is not in doubt.
Hinduism’s Caste system is a blot on the world’s conscience. It provides religious sanction to a system in which some human beings are condemned to a life of permanent slavery and degradation. It needs to be exposed to the world.
1Hindus worship a multiplicity of gods and consider the cow to be their mother. For this they are prepared to kill Muslims because they are beefeaters! ...
India is under the grip of Hindu Nazis and their true colors, always known, are becoming clearer by the day. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has signaled that he plans to embrace the Zionists more tightly and abandon support for the Palestinians.
With Hindu Nazis in the driving seat, India is becoming an increasingly dangerous place for its minorities, especially Muslims. Its overly ambitious plan to compete with China, however, will not materialize because of its deep structural and social problems.
India’s laborious elections are about to catapult the Hindu fascists back into power with disastrous consequences for the 180 million Muslims there. Pity India’s minorities; Delhi is about to adopt Nazi policies yet will be feted by the West.
Exposing the face of Hindu terrorists is welcomed by reader Syed Nematulla who wants the so-called leaders of Muslims also to be exposed because they are only after personal interests.
While the Indian establishment has traditionally blamed Muslims for every terrorist attack, investigations show that Hindu fascists have been the ones responsible for such crimes. The rot has even seeped into the Indian armed forces.
Held for three years at a local school without incident, it suddenly became an issue last month when a Hindu group objected to Muslim students praying in the school cafeteria. Valley Park Middle School in Flemingdon Park, in the Toronto suburb of Don Mills inhabited predominantly by Muslim immigrants from Pakistan and India, became the centre of controversy when a group calling itself Canada Hindu Advocacy (CHA) raised objections.
Addressing the ‘nation’ on 15 August, to mark the 55th anniversary of ‘independence’, prime minister AB Vajpayee cut his task down to addressing "cross-border terrorism". His main theme was how Pakistan is trying to thwart India’s ‘peaceful’ efforts to resolve the problems of Kashmir...
After the success of the Hindu fascists’ ‘Gujarat model’ for electoral success last year, communal politics in India have received a major boost and the Babri mosque controversy has become especially relevant again.
Narendra Modi, the chief minister of Gujarat, who is widely regarded as having instigated the anti-Muslim pogroms in April 2001 in which thousands of Muslims were killed and at least 150,000 driven from their homes and land, was rewarded last month with a massive victory in the state’s elections.
The routine use of the labels ‘terrorist’ and ‘terrorism’ to criminalise Muslims and legitimise any action against them has reached new levels in India, with cabinet minister Shanta Kumar claiming on April 28 that the Godhra train incident was an act of "international terrorism" whose objective was to "weaken" Indian defence positions on the border and make it more porous for infiltration by jihadis.
Atal Bahari Vajpayee, leader of India’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and prime minister of the country for the last eighteen months, was invited to form the country’s next government on October 11 by the country’s president, K R Narayanan, on October 11.
The writer, V S Naipaul, like the apostate Salman Rushdie, is much revered in the west. Both are of Indian origin although Naipaul was born in Trinidad where his forefathers were taken as indentured labourers.
In a multi-religious, multi-ethnic and multi-linguistic country, that India is, secularism has been a far cry. The Muslim community has been the worst victim of this pseudo-secularism.