There is a convergence of interests between Zionism and Islamophobia. The Zionists are behind the hysterical campaign against Muslims.
Far from fighting the takfiri terrorists, the US wants to reintegrate them into society. In fact, they are being kept on hold for mischief and mayhem elsewhere in the Muslim world.
Defying all predictions, Donald Trump won the US presidential elections against his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. He has exposed the US establishment and what it stands for.
President-elect Donald Trump has made his intentions clear by appointing rightwing extremists into his administration. Almost all of them are extreme Islamophobes.
Donald Trump’s stunning victory has left not only the American establishment but the rest of the world also shell-shocked. This is not how it was supposed to have worked out.
3One of the remarkable aspects of the American system is that people actually believe they have a say in how their president is elected. The media plays its role in pushing the establishment’s agenda to perpetuate the myth.
2As the date for US presidential election fast approaches, an analysis based on the examination of tweets yields some interesting insights.
2Canadian writer and scholar Eric Walberg reviews two books that consider Barack Obama’s legacy as president. Eric Walberg considers the Obama legacy through the eyes of James Petras who wrote The End of the Republic and the Delusion of Empire (Clarity Press, 2016; 254pp., $24.95 pbk), and Jeremy Hammond, author of Obstacle to Peace: The US Role in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Worldview Publications, 2016; 538pp., $22.99 pbk).
Is there a difference between Hillary and Trump? Americans are caught between a rock and a hard place writes John Vanderbilt.
1Many people naively believe that history-making is something good. What difference does it or will it make if Hillary Clinton has made history by becoming the first woman to win the nomination of a major political party for the presidential post? Donald Trump's grab of the Republican nomination is also unprecedented but both are dangerous for the world. Either could easily start a nuclear war.
1American presidential primaries are meant to entertain people and make them believe that they have a say in whom they choose to be their next president. With money being the primary decider of such races, it is not surprising the statement 'America has the best democracy money can buy' has stuck. This year's primaries are laced with angry rhetoric and racism. It is all very scary.
America’s neo-cons, dominated by zionists and other warmongers, see in Hillary Clinton a fellow traveler for their aggressive policies. They have flocked to her campaign to advance their belligerent objectives.
America's neo-cons have found Hillary Clinton's aggressive policies to their liking and are flocking to her like flies to filth. Pity the American people for they will end up even more isolated--and hated--globally. The military-industrial complex will get a major boost in their projects for endless wars and killing of innocent people.
Hillary Clinton underlined the need to keep governments like Egypt on the payroll in order to advance US foreign policy objectives in the region.
The announcement by US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton on August 20 that the US is to host direct talks between Palestinian president Mahmood Abbas and Israeli prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu has singularly failed to raise hopes of progress toward any level of justice for the suffering people of Palestine.