Amidst threats of war and in some instances actual wars against innocent people, especially Muslims, Islamic Iran has offered a peace initiative aimed at ending conflict and developing good neighborliness in the region.
It is revealing no secret to state that Donald Trump has a pretty low IQ. The Donald, of course, would contest this and insist he is a “stable genius” but 27 American psychiatrists have said he is a nutcase. Take his twitter threats that do not scare Iran.
China’s Belt and Road initiative is not the only game in town. There is a road and rail link planned between Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey that would have much positive impact on the development of the region.
Addressing the opening session of 32nd International Unity Conference in Tehran on November 24, President Hassan Rouhani condemned the “Zionist tumor” implanted in the Middle East and offered to defend Saudi Arabia “for free”.
President Hassan Rouhani of Iran rejected claims by Donald Trump that he or any of his officials had ever sought a meeting with the US president. Such a meeting, said the Iranian President, would not be “appropriate”.
Holding huge banners and the country’s flag as well as placards denouncing the US, Zionist Israel and Britain, millions of Iranians poured into the streets today in support of the Islamic government and system.
Unlike other Muslim leaders, President Hassan Rouhani of Iran met a number of Muslim leaders during his visit to New York. Unfortunately, some guests left their manners outside the door (or perhaps they never had them in the first place).
In a region wracked by mayhem and violence, the people of Iran participated in the 12th presidential election in a calm and peaceful atmosphere returning the incumbent, President Hassan Rouhani to a second term in office.
In keeping with the tradition of past presidential elections, Iranian voters returned President Hassan Rouhani to power for a second term with a comfortable majority in the May 19 presidential election.
With a few days left for the presidential vote (May 19), Tehran mayor and a candidate in Iran’s 12th presidential election, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, withdrew from the race and threw his support behind the Principlist candidate, Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi.
Islamic Iran is heading for its 12th presidential election since the victory of the Islamic revolution in 1979. Six candidates have been approved for the May 19 poll.
The April 6 illegal US missile strikes on a Syrian air base have not only put a chill on US-Russian relations, they have increased the risk of a full-fledged war between the US and Russia—essentially a Third World War.
July’s failed coup attempt in Turkey has exposed more than the coup plotters. Turkish President Recept Tayip Erdogan has realized that Western rulers and Nato members are not his real friends. Russia and Iran are.
The Americans were very anxious for President Barack Obama to have a "chance encounter" with President Hassan Rohani of Iran at the UN. The meeting, however, did not take place because Iran felt the proper ground was not prepared for it. Unlike the US, Iran is not interested in photo-ops; it wants serious discussion on all issues and is anxious to resolve these through dialogue held in an atmosphere of mutual respect and dignity.
The election of Dr Hassan Rohani as President of the Islamic Republic of Iran has aroused great hopes, not least in the West. Dr Rohani will be well advised to deal with the devil with caution.
With his convincing first round victory in Iran’s 11th presidential election, Dr Hassan Rohani has exposed the west’s negative propaganda that had dismissed the elections as “irrelevant”. The Iranian people have also shown their support for the Islamic system by participating in record numbers.