Narendra Modi loves publicity but aware that he may face tough questions about Kashmir that he would not be able answer, he decided to stay at home.
1British MPs mustered enough courage and common sense to reject David Cameron's motion to launch a war, this time against Syria. Aware of public weariness with wars that have caused havoc with the lives of ordinary people, the MPs, some from Cameron's own Tory party, rejected the motion leaving him humiliated. Cameron will not be able to join his American master in a new war.
The real oligarchic nature of democratic polities and societies, and the fact that “freedom” is actually a cover for the untrammelled exercise of power by the strong in society, are subjects that I have written about before in this column and elsewhere.
On his first visit to curry favour with the Indians, Britain's still green prime minister, David Cameron left his manners at home and lashed out at Pakistan. The July 28 remarks in Bangalore were not only crude but completely off base when he accused Pakistan of providing safe havens to terrorists and exporting it east and west.
The report adds that countries in sub-Saharan Africa have weathered the global recession better than expected, and better than in previous, milder economic slowdowns.