The people of Bahrain and Yemen are both victims of Saudi aggression and crimes, writes Mansour Ali.
All regimes in the Muslim East (aka the Middle East) are dictatorships regardless of the label they carry. The Bahraini regime is made up of the minority al-Khalifa family that is brutally suppressing the majority Shia population. The regime’s decision to strip a respected alim, Shaikh Issa Qassem of his citizenship is likely to short-circuit the miserable existence of this pathetic regime.
Does any regime, especially an illegitimate one like that in Bahrain, have the right to strip native-born sons of citizenship rights? This is what the Khalifa regime in Bahrain has done against the respected scholar, Shaikh Issa Qassem evoking universal condemnation. The regime may have signed its own death warrant.
1While associated with renewal and growth, the month of March brings grim reminder of how terribly movements for change in the Muslim world have been subverted. Leaders of Islamic movements need to pay close attention to their modus operandi.
When a puppet regime leads other puppets, the result is often disastrous. The Saudi regime of Najdi Bedouins cut off relations with Islamic Iran followed by their puppets in Bahrain and Sudan. The crime was committed by the Najid Bedouins in unjustly executing a respected alim and human rights activist, Sheikh Nimr al Nimr. The Najdi Bedouins will pay a heavy price for this crime.
What is the purpose of Bahraini ruler's six-day visit to Pakistan and why did he meet Pakistan's top military officials? Speculation is rife that he wants the Pakistan military to protect his tottering regime, the same as the Saudis. There was also a large protest against his visit and condemnation of the killings of Bahraini civilians by its security forces, many of them recruited from Pakistan.
Even as the Bahraini regime released a female Bahraini activist, Zainab al-Khawaja, another activist was handed a death sentence. Six others were given life sentences allegedly for killing a policeman a year ago.
The US and Saudi-backed regime in Bahrain continues to torture not only adults but also children. There is ample evidence about its horrible behaviour although it would be difficult to find much discussion of this in the Western media.
They came from all walks of life and represented all ages: men, women and children stretching more than five kilometers outside Bahrain’s capital city, Manama, on 5-18-2012 to categorically reject any union between their country and Saudi Arabia, which was discussed, though not approved, in Riyadh, the Saudi capital.
News of Shaikh Hassan’s deteriorating health came from a government appointed prison physician who said his cancer had returned.
Thousands of peaceful protesters were back in the now-demolished Pearl Square in Bahrain’s capital city Manama on September 23 demanding serious and wide-ranging reforms to give the overwhelming majority the right to vote in free, fair and transparent elections.
Emboldened by military, political and diplomatic support from the US and Saudi Arabia, Bahrain’s unrepresentative minority ruling family handed down harsh sentences to pro-democracy activists in the island-state on June 22. Eight were sentenced to life in prison for “plotting to overthrow the government.”
Bahraini security forces backed by Saudi troops and their masters in Washington have and continue to perpetrate indescribable crimes against innocent civilians in Bahrain. Those targeted include not only peaceful protesters, but also doctors and nurses treating the injured in hospitals.