The on again, off again talks on Syria seem to be going nowhere. The Saudis and Americans want to include some terrorist groups whose presence is rejected by Syria, Russia and Iran. They argue, quite rightly, how can terrorists be allowed at the table to talk about peace. For now, the UN Special envoy for Syria says he hopes the talks would begin on Friday January 29. It is yet to be seen whether they will occur.
Repeated polls have shown that Americans have complete contempt for Congress. The latest Gallup poll shows that only 9% of Americans approve of Congress. This means a massive 91% disapprove of the legislative body. Americans are also beginning to realize that its members are corrupt, and morally bankrupt. So much for American democracy that it wants to export to the rest of the world using cruise missiles.
Millions of people across the US and Canada plan to march against the US war on Syria. An attack on Syria appears imminent despite massive opposition to such aggression among Americans and Canadians. The warmongers are looking for excuses, however, flimsy, to perpetrate more aggression against another Muslim country.
The challenge for the American people is to break the Israeli lobby’s grip on their political system.
The US government has not commented on the scandalous verdict even when relating to one of its own citizens killed—crushed to death—by an Israeli army.
Most Americans are led to believe that their country is the richest and the best in the world. It is a land of milk and honey and of limitless opportunities. There is little doubt that the US has enormous wealth; with a GDP of $17 trillion, it is by far the richest country in the world but is this wealth fairly distributed?
Even as Egyptians anxiously await news of the death of their aging Pharaoh, the octogenarian president Hosni Mubarak continues to work hard to please his zionist and American masters.
IT would be a great pity if the American public does not know what US policy-makers know: That there is growing opposition to US presence in Saudi Arabia. The bomb blast in Dhahran was the boldest and bloodiest expression of that opposition.