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Keyword: Afghanistan

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News & Analysis

Taliban’s Achievements During Three-year Rule In Afghanistan

Zia Sarhadi

Rabi' al-Awwal 27, 14462024-10-01

The Taliban may not be sophisticated and their conduct often leads to disappointment but in their three-year rule, they have established security and stabilized their currency. They have also made progress on the diplomatic front.

News & Analysis

Afghanistan Under The Taliban: Three Years After US Withdrawal

Omar Ahmed

Muharram 26, 14462024-08-01

Three years after a chaotic US withdrawal, Afghanistan under the Taliban finds itself at the crossroads of competing global influences. Their relations with China, Russia, and Iran reflect a strategic pragmatism aimed at securing economic and political stability.

News & Analysis

The High-flying Afghani

Zia Sarhadi

Rabi' al-Thani 17, 14452023-11-01

If most people are unaware of what the Afghan currency is called, they cannot be blamed. The Afghani is not a major global currency but it is doing exceedingly well against the US dollar. How have the Taliban managed to stabilize their currency while others have failed?

Daily News Analysis

Moscow Format warns against US military bases in Afghanistan

Crescent International

Rabi' al-Awwal 16, 14452023-10-01

News & Analysis

American Dream Eludes Afghan Refugees

Zia Sarhadi

Rabi' al-Awwal 05, 14442022-10-01

An estimated 76,000 Afghans have been brought to the US since August of 2021. Unfortunately, they are not categorized as refugees. These Afghans risked their lives collaborating with the Americans in Afghanistan but are deprived of the opportunity to legally settle in the US.

News & Analysis

Millions of Afghans On The Verge of Starvation A Year After US Defeat

Zia Sarhadi

Safar 05, 14442022-09-01

The UN says 97% of Afghans are on the verge of starvation. This is the direct result of US illegally holding $9.7 billion of Afghanistan central bank funds, Da Afghanistan Bank. For 20 years, the US and its allies bombed Afghanistan beyond the Stone Age but the Taliban still defeated them militarily. Now the Washington warlords want to starve the Afghans to death.

News & Analysis

US sanctions on Afghanistan will Starve 97% of Its Population

Zia Sarhadi

Ramadan 30, 14432022-05-01

It is interesting to note so much breast-beating for the plight of Ukrainians facing Russia’s military onslaught, but the same western do-gooders are actively pursuing a policy to starve the poor people of Afghanistan. The UN says, 97% of its population could face starvation. This is a crime against humanity

News & Analysis

Continuing War Against The Afghan People by Starvation

Brecht Jonkers

Rajab 28, 14432022-03-01

US and Nato forces were soundly defeated by the Taliban in open combat. While running away from Afghanistan, the Americans have continued their war on the Afghan people by withholding their foreign reserves and starving Afghan children and women.

Daily News Analysis

Western diplomats gingerly dance with the Taliban in Oslo

Crescent International

Jumada' al-Akhirah 28, 14432022-01-31


US Starving Afghan Children to Deliver Democracy!

Zafar Bangash

Jumada' al-Ula' 28, 14432022-01-01

That the US lost the war in Afghanistan is not in doubt. Unfortunately, it is not done yet and continues to inflict more harm on the Afghan people, this time through starving the most vulnerable: children and women. It reconfirms US rulers as mass murderers and war criminals.

News & Analysis

Economic War on Afghanistan

Tahir Mahmoud

Rabi' al-Thani 26, 14432021-12-01

In October 2021, Crescent International explained that after the end of NATO’s military occupation, the next phase of struggle for Afghanistan will center around economics. This evaluation was recently confirmed by the groundbreaking series of reports from inside Afghanistan by Roshan Mohammed Saleh, editor-in-chief of the British Muslim news website 5pillarsuk.

Main Stories

Afghan Families Selling Children to Survive!

Zia Sarhadi

Rabi' al-Thani 26, 14432021-12-01

The food situation in Afghanistan is grim. It is facing a humanitarian catastrophe. Even the UN and World Food Program have confirmed this. Yet, Western regimes, led by the US, are holding funds that belong to Afghanistan, thereby exacerbating the problem

Main Stories

The Constitution of Madinah: A Model for the Taliban, and for All Islamic Governance

Kevin Barrett

Rabi' al-Awwal 25, 14432021-11-01

As the Taliban grapple with the issue of recognition, they should study the Covenant of Madinah (aka the Constitution of Madinah) as to how the noble Messenger (pbuh) brought diverse groups together into a formal compact to establish the first Islamic State.

News & Analysis

Taliban on the Global Stage

Zia Sarhadi

Rabi' al-Awwal 25, 14432021-11-01

The Taliban may not have achieved formal recognition from any country so far but they continue to be received by neighboring states. They certainly have de facto recognition and it is only a matter of time before they get formal recognition.

Main Stories

Taliban’s Triumph: A Geopolitical Earthquake

Kevin Barrett

Safar 24, 14432021-10-01

The Taliban victory over US imperialism and its Nato allies has shifted the balance of power to the Eurasia landmass. This region will now serve as the engine of economic growth and development.

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