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Zio-Nazis Surpass Hitler’s Nazis In Barbarism

Ayman Ahmed

Image Source - AI-ChatGPT

Zio-Nazis’ (or zionist-Nazis) ongoing genocide in Gaza killing women and children has outstripped the Nazis’ barbarism in Germany. Adolf Hitler was driven by the notion of German nationalism and the racist ideology of Aryan superiority. Rightly or wrongly, he held the Jews responsible for Germany’s economic and financial woes.

In Palestine, the zio-Nazis are alien invaders. Most of them are from Eastern Europe—Poland, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Russia etc. In recent decades, North American Jews have also invaded the holy land, brandishing the Bible as a real estate manual claiming that God ‘promised’ them this land.

Quite aside from the fact that billions of people do not believe in the Bible, God made no such promise. Why would God, who is just and fair, promise another people’s land to a bunch of a hustlers, thieves and outright criminals?

The other myth they peddle is that the father and son prophets and kings—Daud and Sulaiman (as) [David and Solomon]—ruled this land for 73 years. So, this entitles them to the holy land!

Their rule, however, was more than 2500 years ago. Do the Jews have exclusive right to the father and son prophets? Muslims believe in them just as much and in fact have greater respect for them than the Jews have ever displayed. One only has to look at verses 1-11 in the Second Book of Samuel (Torah). Prophet Daud (as) is accused of committing adultery with the wife of one his generals (na‘udhobillah). The Qur’an categorically rejects this scandalous allegation (Surah Saad: ayats 21-25).

On this basis Muslims have a right to reclaim Spain and many parts of Europe. After all, Muslims ruled these lands less than 700 years ago, not 2500 years ago! The Indigenous people of America and Canada have an even stronger case for the North American continent. European colonialists perpetrated the genocide of Indigenous people 300 – 400 years ago.

Let us return to the holy land and the zio-Nazis’ well-documented crimes against innocent defenceless Palestinians. Between October 2023 and November 12, 2024, the zio-Nazis have murdered at least 43,665 people. Nearly 70 percent of those killed are women and children, according to the UN.

These figures are compiled from deaths registered with Gaza’s Ministry of Health. The actual toll is much higher, as the study by the British Medical Journal, Lancet, found. It put the figure at more than 186,000. These deaths are deliberate, caused as a result of the zio-Nazis’ targeting of apartment buildings, schools, hospitals and even tents where displaced Palestinians are forced to seek shelter.

Starvation is another weapon used by the zio-Nazis, as witnessed in northern Gaza. By banning the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) from delivering food and medicines, more than 90,000 Palestinians face starvation in north Gaza. The zio-Nazis’ aim is to drive the Palestinians out of northern Gaza so that illegal squatters can be settled there.

Unlike the Nazis in Germany against whom virtually the whole of Europe and North America fought, the zio-Nazis are aided and abetted in their genocidal campaign by the collective west. Every kind of weapon is supplied to them and even mercenaries from North America and Europe have flooded into colonized Palestine to assist the zio-Nazis.

Further, the genocide of Palestinians is being carried out in full view of the entire world. It is beamed into people’s living rooms via their television screens. So, nobody can claim ignorance of what is taking place. Yet, the zio-Nazis are financed and armed by the very regimes that never tire of lecturing others about human rights and santity of human life.

So, we must ask: why is the collective west so keen to assist the slaughter of Palestinians? This is precisely what the European colonialists did to peoples in the lands they colonized. After escaping famine in their own lands, the Europeans perpetrated the genocide of indigenous people in North America who gave them shelter and food. Both the French and British were involved. The Aboriginals of Australia and New Zealand suffered a similar fate.

The European colonialists were no less ruthless in Asia and Africa. They failed to permanently colonize these lands but not for lack of trying. They did the next best thing and perhaps even more devastating for the colonized peoples.

They created a class of people that were thoroughly westernized. Their mannerism, eating habits, speech and dress were completely western. In the words of Lord Macaulay, “They were perfect Brown Englishmen”!

These “brown sahibs” have inflicted even more harm on their societies. Unlike the European colonialists, the “brown sahibs” and “sahibas” are thoroughly corrupt and grossly incompetent. They have fattened their bank accounts abroad while the masses suffer starvation. Pakistan offers a ready example.

The lands the Europeans did not colonize directly, they created artificial kingdoms and planted clans and tribes as rulers. They remain subservient to western colonialists and now to US imperialism and zionism.

If these medieval tribal monarchies were independent or had an iota of decency, they would act to stop the genocide of the Palestinians. Instead, they continue to trade with the genocidal zio-Nazis supplying them oil and metals. This enables the zionists to run their war machine and continue to kill and starve innocent Palestinians.

Article from

Crescent International Vol. 54, No. 10

Jumada' al-Ula' 29, 14462024-12-01

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