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Letters To The Editor

US elections a farce

Muhammad Abdullah

The forthcoming US presidential elections will bring no change in the life of ordinary Americans. Elections in the US are a big fraud, and farce.

Elections in the US are a complete farce. The candidates — Obama and Romney — are two faces of the same coin, controlled by the same corporate elite that has always had politicians in their pockets. No real issues are discussed. Rhetoric substitutes for reality, duly amplified by the corporate-owned media that keep the masses ignorant all the time. In the financial tsunami that struck the US, the corporate thieves and banksters (1%) were handsomely rewarded while the 99% were left holding the bag. Nothing new here.

Muhammad Abdullah

Brooklyn, NY, US

Article from

Crescent International Vol. 41, No. 8

Dhu al-Qa'dah 14, 14332012-10-01

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