The mass discontent in Jordan is another sign that the western-dominated geopolitical landscape in West Asia will relive the events of 2011 uprisings sooner rather than later.
Protests in Jordan are not widely covered by the English-speaking western media.
Thus, detailed information as to what exactly is happening in the country has a superficial ring to it.
Created out of the ashes of the Ottoman Empire in whose disintegration Sharif Hussein, the family patriarch, had played a leading role, the British gave him a kingdom to pacify him because they had reneged on their pledge to make him the king of all Arabs.
The new kingdom was called Trans-Jordan and comprised lands that belonged to the province of Palestine in the Ottoman Khilafah.
Like their counterparts in Saudi Arabia occupied by the Bani Saud, treachery runs in the blood of the Hussein family.
Jordan is led by a Second Lieutenant of the British army, Abdullah II bin al-Hussein, whose survival is essential for apartheid Israel.
The majority of Jordan’s population is Palestinian.
If this autocratic regime falls, Jordan will turn into a political and military staging ground for the liberation of Palestine.
Unfortunately, there is no well-organized opposition movement inside the country at present.
The Islamic movement led by Jabhat al-‘Amal al-Islami (the Islamic Action Front) has been largely marginalized through internal differences and defections.
Most of its members are of Palestinian origin but it suffered a split in 2015.
Some 400 members resigned from the party in December 2015, including its founder Sheikh Hamzeh Mansour.
So, the current protests do not pose an immediate threat to the corrupt US-Israeli backed puppet regime in Amman.
Also, the Jordanian masses are not seeking the overthrow of the regime but want to secure their basic livelihoods.
Prices of basic commodities have skyrocketed making life difficult for most Jordanians.
This aspect is being used by the royal family to contain the unrest via political gimmicks.
The narrative being peddled is that the masses are demonstrating against the government led by the Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh.
By presenting the government of Bisher Al-Khasawneh as the main source of discontent, the Jordanian monarchy is pushing the narrative that Abdullah II bin al-Hussein is good and popular.
People that he has appointed to administer the affairs of government are bad.
This is a standard trick used by numerous illegitimate rulers throughout history.
While this narrative may buy some time for the Jordanian monarchy, it is a band aid solution.
King Abdullah II is in a volatile region in an uncertain global situation to rely on this archaic trick for too long.
At the moment, the unrest in Jordan indirectly undermines American and Israeli push to hype up the riots in Islamic Iran.
It is unmasking the duplicity of how NATO regimes and their media outlets are cheering rioters in Iran but subtly underplaying the genuine grievances of the people in Jordan.
There are systemic flaws in Jordan’s economy mainly due to high level of corruption.
Like the other ruling elites in the Arab world, the regime in Amman is also disconnected from the realties of life of ordinary Jordanians.
This makes it impossible for Jordanian type regimes to institute meaningful reforms, something the Islamic Action Front has been demanding since its founding in 1992.
The calculus of US-Israeli puppet regimes in the Arab world is not based on people’s interests but what will prolong their hold on power.
With the geopolitical environment being shaped by the emerging multipolar world order, such governing structures are destined to collapse at some point, perhaps sooner than later.