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Daily News Analysis

Russia’s ideological reorientation bad news for apartheid Israel

Crescent International

Image Source - Pixbay Free Content

Russia’s steady ideological drift away from western secular-liberalism towards its Christian rooted identity, if successful even partially, will force Moscow to become actively involved in the issue of zionist occupation of Palestine.

Contemporary discussions of Russia at a deeper level point to the fact that although it currently does not have a coherently formulated political philosophy, its orientation leans toward Orthodox Christianity.

While at first glance this might seem like a purely intellectual issue with little practical policy ramifications beyond Russia’s borders, in certain parts of the world it is likely to have a major impact.

Today, even with a quick internet search, one can come across dozens of brutal images and facts of zionist oppression of Christians in Palestine.

This decades-long reality has hitherto been swept under the rug due to the oxymoronic alliance of supposedly “hard-core” US Christian organizations with apartheid Israel.

Russia’s new-found role as defender of Christianity is likely to make this more difficult for the parties concerned: the US, zionist Israel and Russia.

Moscow will no longer be able to afford to ignore the plight of Palestinian Christians, even if only for Machiavellian reasons.

More and more people inside and outside the Russian political establishment are discussing the need for Moscow to formulate its own distinct political philosophical identity.

This identity should not necessarily be tied to the Soviet past.

At the same time, it should be distinct from the western paradigm.

Analysis of this phenomenon reveals that Moscow is struggling in this realm and for now its “philosophy” consists of simply stalling or opposing western economic and political interests.

Russia instinctively takes a position that opposes whatever policy NATO regimes are pursuing.

Such approach is not likely to yield appropriate results.

Some thinkers and policy-makers in Russia realize the inadequacy of this approach and are actively trying to formulate a more coherent response.

For now, Kremlin’s manifestation of its Christianity in terms of foreign policy is mainly limited to bashing western woke trend.

Sooner or later, however, more concrete policies will emerge, even if not by design, then by demand.

Moscow understands that Israel is NATO’s key asset and ally in West Asia.

Tel Aviv is highly dependent on NATO regimes for economic and political survival.

In order to exert pressure on NATO in West Asia, Moscow has to squeeze Israel.

From Russia’s standpoint, zionist Israel’s ongoing oppression of Palestinian Christians will provide Kremlin with the political pretext to take a more proactive stance in Palestine.

Israel’s occupation of Palestine is one issue which cannot be localized.

Any state wishing to have some form of global influence must have a concrete policy and a clear stand on this issue.

It applies just as much to Venezuela, Cuba and South Africa, as it does to China, for instance.

It is simplistic to assume that Russia will ignore the plight of the Palestinian Christians as it aims to project itself as a Christian centric state entity.

Thus, it is only a matter of time before Russia begins viewing the occupation of Palestine as one of its core foreign policy orientations.

When this happens, Israel will begin to face some form of Chinese pressure as well.

Moscow and Beijing are gradually beginning to coordinate their foreign policy steps because they both face unprecedented western hostility.

A parasitical state like Israel, surrounded by societies which oppose its apartheid system, and faced with internal demographic pressure will not be able to withstand the new emerging challenges in the long run.

There is a perfect geopolitical anti-zionist storm brewing.

The current calm is merely a prelude to the incoming storm.

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