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Daily News Analysis

Netanyahu insists on committing more war crimes in Gaza

Crescent International

Benjamin Netanyu trying to postpone the day of reckoning by prolonging the genocidal war on Gaza.

Once a terrorist, always a terrorist.

This applies most aptly to the war-criminal, Benjamin Netanyahu.

On May 6, the Islamic resistance movement Hamas accepted the terms of a truce deal that were mediated by Egypt Qatar and the US.

This would have brought respite from Israel’s relentless bombardment of defenceless Palestinian civilians that has gone on for 213 days.

The terms were suggested by Netanyahu and his cabinet that is dominated by war-criminals.

Yet the same day, the Israeli war cabinet dashed any hopes when it decided to launch its military invasion of Rafah, the southern-most city of war-ravaged Gaza.

Israeli tanks occupied the Gaza side of Rafah crossing with Gaza.

The UN warned that such action would be a “massacre”.

The UN chief, Antonio Guterres warned that a full-scale invasion of Rafah by Israeli forces would be “a strategic mistake, a political calamity, and a humanitarian nightmare.”

The World Health Organization regional director Richard Brennan issued a similar warning.

He said the impact of the Rafah crossing now being closed “makes a disastrous, catastrophic situation far worse”.

Even the US, no friend of the Palestinians, has expressed concern, although tepid, about Israel’s invasion of Rafah.

More than one million Palestinians, forced from their homes elsewhere in Gaza due to Israeli genocidal attacks have been herded into tents in Rafah.

Netanyahu now wants to slaughter them as well to delay his own day of reckoning.

As Marc Owen Jones, an associate professor of Middle East studies and digital humanities at Hamad Bin Khalifa University in Qatar, pointed out that Netanyahu is not interested in a ceasefire.

End to the conflict would mean “accountability, not just domestically for his various criminal accusations, but now potentially by the International Criminal Court” as well, Jones said.

Israeli opposition leader, Yair Lapid has said the country is held hostage by “irresponsible lunatics”, referring to Netanyahu’s extremist right-wing allies in the cabinet.

“The State of Israel has become a hostage of irresponsible lunatics. You can’t go on like this,” Lapid wrote on X.

He accused Netanyahu of failing to achieve the objectives of the ongoing war on the Gaza Strip since October 7, particularly eliminating Hamas and releasing Israeli prisoners held in the enclave.

In reality, Netanyahu does not want the prisoners released.

He wants to wade through the blood of innocent Palestinians in order to save his own thick hide.

Netanyahu’s office issued a statement claiming that Hamas had accepted a “watered-down” Egyptian version of a ceasefire deal which Israel had not seen before.

This is a lie but this is what the zionists do habitually.

Not only Egyptian but American officials including CIA director Nicholas Burns have been involved in the mediation efforts.

It is inconceivable that the Americans did not keep them informed of discussions in Cairo.

What Hamas did was to call Netanyahu’s bluff.

By accepting a truce deal that falls far short of a permanent ceasefire, Hamas exposed Netanyahu as a war criminal.

He is the one who is not interested in a deal that would have led to the release of some Israeli prisoners immediately.

Hamas leadership caught the zionist war criminal on the wrong foot.

Pressure from the prisoners’ families has increased and Netanyahu’s political future looks increasingly tenuous.

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