The military regime in Egypt is determined to kill as many Ikhwan leaders and supporters as possible. It has already murdered in cold blood thousands of them but its blood lust seems not to have been satiated. It wants to murder a lot more.
Cairo, Crescent-online
Thursday August 07, 2014, 17:07 DST
Even when the highest religious authority in the land rejects the death sentences passed in a kangaroo court against leaders and members of the Ikhwan al-Muslimeen, the military regime in Egypt does not want to give up.
An Egyptian court has asked the Mufti of Egypt, Sheikh Shawki Allam, to reconsider his rejection of the death sentences against the murshid (leader) of the Ikhwan Mohamed Badie and 13 of his supporters. They were sentenced to death on June 19 on charges of murder and possession of firearms.
The sentences were widely decried by rights groups worldwide as being not only harsh but that even a semblance of legal proceedings was not followed. It was considered a murder of the judicial process. The presiding judge took no more than five minutes to hand the sentences without allowing the defence to present its arguments.
Now that the Grand Mufti has rejected the sentences, the regime is exerting pressure on him to reconsider his decision. In other words, he must confirm the sentences regardless of the evidence presented in court.
Under Egyptian law, before the death sentences can be carried out, they must be referred to the Grand Mufti and he can either confirm or reject them.
The regime and its puppet judges are not willing to accept rejection from the Mufti. Had he confirmed the sentences, the regime would have presented this as vindication of its position and the court’s verdict.
A court spokesman said today (August 7) that a final verdict in the case had been postponed until August 30 presumably to allow time for the Mufti to reconsider his decision and to confirm the death sentences.
In his opinion, the Mufti said that “the court relied solely in the case on investigations that were alone not enough to condemn the defendants,” according to Judge Naji Shehata.
Badie has already been sentenced to death in another case together with 182 of his supporters. The regime seems determined to destroy the Brotherhood and has declared it a “terrorist organization.”
On July 3, 2013, the military carried out a coup against the first-ever democratically elected government in Egypt’s entire history. Then the military unleashed its goons and guns and murdered thousands of Ikhwan supporters including many women and children on August 14 and 16 of last year.
Completely peaceful and unarmed people were mercilessly gunned down. Even those that had sought refuge in mosques were not spared.
Thousands of Ikhwan supporters—according to the Associated Press there are more than 16,000—are languishing in Egypt’s dungeons. Thousands of others have been sentenced to death after farcical trials.
The first-ever elected President of Egypt, Mohamed Mursi, was arrested on July 2, 2013 and has since been held virtually incommunicado. He is also facing charges of murder and inciting the killing of opposition protesters.
The military actually perpetrated the bloodbath yet it is Ikhwan leaders that face charges of murder.
Aware that the Ikhwan as an organization alone is capable of mounting an effective challenge to the usurper military regime, the latter has embarked on a policy of extermination.
The latest episode of the Mufti rejecting the death sentences is unacceptable to the regime because it does not fit with its genocidal agenda.