After Tunisia and Egypt comes Bahrain and Yemen. Add to this popular wave of opposition the civil stirrings now observable in Algeria, Morocco, Jordan and Syria. This places us in front of an exhilarating arousal of people who have been dormant for decades, indeed centuries, when it comes to their own republican dynasties and monarchies.
After Tunisia and Egypt comes Bahrain and Yemen. Add to this popular wave of opposition the civil stirrings now observable in Algeria, Morocco, Jordan and Syria. This places us in front of an exhilarating arousal of people who have been dormant for decades, indeed centuries, when it comes to their own republican dynasties and monarchies. Our reading of these events tells us there is a genuine and spontaneous movement of people that is primed to bring down the entire indegenous political structure, which has stifled and suffocated the populations of North Africa and West Asia ever since the savage colonialists and imperialists anchored their militaries into the southern hemisphere of the world in general, and the Muslim world in particular.
This does not mean that these countries do not have agents and informers, or spies and clients who will do their best to adhere Muslim peoples and their resources to the Euro-American masters! Certainly they do exist. They are present in the military, the media, as well as the financial circles of society. The coming months and years will prove whether the peoples in these countries will emerge with their Islamic self-determination or the fifth-columnists will emerge with another formula to delay Islamic self-determination.
In the midst of this momentous movement of masses there is one area that sticks out like a sore thumb: Libya. In Libya the outline of events and the synopsis of developments raise a very intriguing question: why do we find the Euro-American governments interested in the Libyan civilian population more than all the other populations that have been or continue to face-off against the military forces in public squares, city centers, and other areas?
Is it stretching one’s imagination to ask: could the American-led military campaign in Libya be explained by the academic speculation and the political apprehension as well as the military concern that Egypt post-Mubarak is on its way to Islamic self-determination?
The Euro-American media tell us that they do not want a civilian population in Libya massacred by Colonel Muammar Qaddafi’s forces, and they are willing to envisage a full-scale war to prevent such massacre and mayhem. At the same time and with more vigor the militaries in both Yemen and Bahrain are doing a “Qaddafi” without the slightest noise from Washington, London, Paris and the rest of the NATO crowd! Adding nonsense to the absence of common sense we hear from official Washington and its military gang of allies that not only does the Bahraini government have the right to shoot down its own citizens, but has the sovereign right to invite Saudi Arabia to do so as well! Hypocrisy has scaled new heights!
Let us step back from the immediate heat of the moment. Is it merely coincidental that whenever a country appears to be going “Islamic” there is a “superpower” military invasion of its neighbouring country? When Iran went its Islamic way more than 30 years ago, the Soviet military occupied Afghanistan. Is it stretching one’s imagination to ask: could the American-led military campaign in Libya be explained by the academic speculation and the political apprehension as well as the military concern that Egypt post-Mubarak is on its way to Islamic self-determination? And so, therefore, does an argument have to be made for a joint Euro-American military presence in neighboring Libya using all the fancy words about “civilian lives” and “humanitarian efforts” and “democratic transition” to polish the image of stationing the imperial Euro-American military in between Egypt and Tunisia — both of which have a high likelihood of expressing their Islamic political mind on matters of self-determination? Remember, Islamic Iran was set upon from the east (Afghanistan) and from the west (‘Iraq).
Another strange factor about Libya is its opposition as it appears in imperialist inspired media. This is not to imply there is no opposition in Libya to “Africa’s king of kings” as Qaddafi described himself; certainly there is opposition to him and a very significant one at that. But listening to officials and broadcasters in the USA and Europe one begins to get the impression that this opposition’s appearance is beginning to look much like the appearance of the Taliban when they burst out and began spreading throughout Afghanistan. Qaddafi is no friend or booster of the Islamic Movement — far from it. He has his hands stained with the blood of the strivers in the Islamic Movement. His 42-year rule has witnessed the execution by firing-squad or by hanging of members of both Hizb al-Tahrir and the Ikhwan. He is responsible for the classified disappearance/execution of Imam Musa al-Sadr, as well as the systematic gunning down of Islamic and non-Islamic dissidents in Libya, Europe and other places. His brutality rivals that of his now departed and dethroned counterpart Saddam Hussain. There can be no sympathy for such bloody dictators. But there comes a time when the Zionist-imperialist sponsors of such dictators realize these dictators have run their course. They no longer serve a purpose, so they dispose of them by a hangman’s noose or a gunman’s bullet. Pity the Arabian dictators who are waiting their turn now; they watch this unfold in front of their own eyes just like a sheep watches a butcher —not knowing who is next in line!
Another reason why we smell a skunk in the Libyan affair is that it has eclipsed all other news. Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, and even Egypt have become footnotes compared with Libya. This tells us that the American, British, and French-led forces are thinking they can achieve their objectives in Libya. The script is clear: wreck Libya as Iraq was wrecked, in the process kill as many Muslims as possible, and in the end, salivate at the oil-well prize. That sweet Libyan crude! You can figure for yourself how the CEOs of Exxon, Shell, Mobile, and the rest of the oil giants are active partners just like the militaries who are doing the killing. War is their racket: they make money and the cost is human life.
To refresh your memory, Barack Husain Obama was put in the White House because a potential war in Africa could only be sold at home if the commander-in-chief had an African appearance. A black man — with a Muslim middle name, and a last name that rhymes with Osama — was hand-picked and vetted to act as president of the United States of America so that the African continent would not “fight back”, and so that the African Americans in the US military can fight along to the imperialist bitter end without the slightest qualm of conscience.
We do not know the future. But we do know for sure that the US-NATO presence in and around Libya is not meant to save innocent lives or to protect civilians or to offer humanitarian assistance. Anyone who believes this folderol is either feebleminded or cloaked in chicanery.
The US and its military co-connivers say they do not know who the opposition in Libya is. Some of them are debating whether they should take the side of that opposition or not? The delicate issue here is that in Libya as in all other countries ruled by dictators there is a public — a vast public, the majority of people —who are opposed to the dictator; the question is: are there any well-groomed “heads” who will step in and claim this opposition for themselves and for their sponsoring masters in Washington and by extension in Tel Aviv?
The Arabs and Muslims, as the months and years go by, will begin to evaluate and then appreciate the Islamic leadership in the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is because of that Islamic leadership that the Islamic Republic weathered the attempts to steal the revolution in its early years, then it weathered the all-out war against it in the following years, and today it continues to weather the plots and schemes that are hatched against it inside and outside Iran. The Anglo-Franco-American trio and its political heads are scared stiff of a Khomeini somewhere in those millions of people amassed against Western-sponsored regimes. Where this all will go is in the Almighty’s hand:
“The hand of Allah is over their hands…” (48:10).