June 3 marks the thirty-fifth anniversary of Imam Khomeini’s passing away.
Commemorative ceremonies have been held in Tehran and other places worldwide.
These had already started from June 1 in some parts of the world.
In addition to bringing about the Islamic revolution in Iran—a momentous event in global affairs—the Imam is also well-known for drawing attention to the illegal zionist occupation of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) and Palestine.
One of the first acts of the Imam after the victory of the Islamic revolution was to cut off diplomatic ties with the apartheid regimes of South Africa and zionist Israel.
PLO leader Yasir Arafat became the first foreign visitor welcomed in Tehran.
The Imam granted him an audience and the keys of the former Israeli embassy and other properties of the zionists were handed over to the Palestinians.
Unfortunately, Arafat proved to be a great disappointment.
He claimed to be a revolutionary but was cut in the same mould as other Arab rulers that delivered fiery speeches but no action.
They were paper tigers.
Arafat was unable, or unwilling to end his dependence on the west and the puppet Arab regimes.
The consequences of this flawed approach resulted in his total surrender to the zionists and got nothing but humiliation in return.
The Imam, however, was very clear about the nature of imperialism and zionism.
Long before the victory of the Islamic revolution, Imam Khomeini had spoken out forcefully against both ideologies that he saw as oppressive and unjust.
He declared that it was the duty of Muslims throughout the world and indeed justice-loving people everywhere to struggle against these racist exploitative ideologies.
In August 1979, the Imam declared that the last Friday of Ramadan must be observed as Yaum al-Quds (Day of Quds).
He urged people to hold rallies wherever they are to draw attention to the illegal zionist occupation of Al-Quds and the Holy Land (Palestine).
The Imam’s choice to hold Quds Day rallies in the month of Ramadan was significant.
It is the month of struggle.
The early Muslims fought their first battle at Badr, and won a resounding victory against their Makkan mushrik foes.
It was also in Ramadan that Makkah was liberated from the clutches of the oppressors.
Thus, the Imam chose this month as the symbol of struggle for the liberation of Palestine and al-Quds.
Since Yaum al-Quds was first proclaimed, Muslims and people of conscience worldwide have observed this day.
They have drawn attention to the zionists’ desecration of the first qibla of Muslims.
The continued occupation of Palestine and the zionists’ horrific crimes against innocent Palestinians have also been exposed.
The western regimes’ unquestioning support of the zionist genocide in Gaza has confirmed, yet again, that Israel is a colonial settler outpost in West Asia.
Since the zionists launched their onslaught on Gaza in October 2023, more than 36,500 innocent people, the overwhelming majority of them women and children, have been brutally murdered.
At least 15,000 children, perhaps double that number, have been slaughtered in cold-blood.
Hospital, schools, colleges, universities, libraries and people’s homes have been bombed and destroyed.
Barring the corrupt and cowardly western politicians, of the left and right, the vast majority of people in the world have recoiled in horror at zionist brutality.
The worldwide student protest movements are reflective of this concern.
The struggle against zionism is no longer confined to the Palestinians or Muslims.
It has become a global phenomenon.
The late Imam’s drawing attention to this crucial matter has much to do with it.
The Islamic resistance in Palestine, especially in Gaza owes much to the inspiration provided by Islamic Iran’s own struggle against imperialism and zionism.
For more than eight months, the Islamic resistance has held its ground against the most formidable military machine in the region.
Zionist Israel has lost the war.
Even Israeli generals and politicians are admitting this fact.
The war continues only because Benjamin Netanyahu wants to delay the day when he is arrested and thrown in jail on corruption charges as well as failing to protect the Israelis.
The Imam’s foresight and courageous stand has been vindicated in the ongoing struggle against zionism and imperialism.
Victory is not far, insha’Allah.