A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Editor's Desk

Another milestone for Crescent at 42


With this issue, Crescent International enters it forty-second year of publication. This in itself is a milestone. No other Islamic magazine claiming global readership has survived this long.

We must always express our gratitude to Allah (swt) for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us. As Crescent International begins its 42nd year, we can look back on the progress we have made under very difficult circumstances.

We must always express our gratitude to Allah (swt) for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us... Producing an Islamic publication has never been easy. Many publications launched with great fanfare from various Western capitals have bitten the dust... What is different about Crescent International is that it has not only produced quality analytical work on a shoestring budget, but it owes no favors to any government or other pressure group. Just as we have had moments of glory, we have also suffered great anguish.

Producing an Islamic publication has never been easy. Many publications launched with great fanfare from various Western capitals have bitten the dust. Without commenting on their quality of work, their primary weakness was that they were top heavy. They had too many high-paid employees, and this was unsustainable.

What is different about Crescent International is that it has not only produced quality analytical work on a shoestring budget, but it owes no favors to any government or other pressure group. The immense struggle we faced in the early years — our struggle is by no means over — enabled us to learn to live in a hostile environment. Just as we have had moments of glory, we have also suffered great anguish. Nothing comes close to the fact that many that were supposed to be working with us back-stabbed us. This is perhaps the history of Muslims throughout the ages. Committed Muslims have always faced such challenges.

But we do not wish to harp on the past; the joy that comes from publishing the only global Islamic magazine in the world is immense. For this we are eternally grateful to Allah (swt).

But we do not wish to harp on the past; the joy that comes from publishing the only global Islamic magazine in the world is immense. For this we are eternally grateful to Allah (swt). As we move into the internet age, we look forward to our readers’ continued support with gratitude.

Article from

Crescent International Vol. 42, No. 1

Jumada' al-Akhirah 20, 14342013-03-01

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