The US, its European allies and puppet Arabian regimes have not given up on overthrowing Bashar al Asad’s government in Syria. The ‘fight’ against takfiris is merely a pretext.
Imperialist and Zionist warlords are addicted to war. Endless wars mean not only expansion but also huge profits at the expense of the world’s poor.
The political impasse in Islamabad has revealed those with vested interests to protect a system that does not serve the overwhelming majority in Pakistan.
Hajj is supposed to remove all distinctions of wealth, class, position or authority but the Saudis have reduced it to a purely commercial enterprise devoid of its Qur’anic content and Prophetic sunnah.
Makkah and al-Madinah were always open to all Muslims but under the Saudis, these have become off-limits. If the Prophet (saws) or Prophets Ibrahim and Ismail (as) wanted to perform Hajj today, the Saudis would insist they obtain a visa before coming!
The Saudis have repeatedly brought up the subject of destroying the Green Dome over the Prophet’s (saws) tomb and relocate his body from there. How diabolical can they get?
There is something bizarre in the manner in which 49 Turkish diplomats and employees of the Turkish Consulate in Mosul were released from the clutches of the takfiris.
Drones have become so popular that even telecom giants are getting in on the act. Will these be used to pry into people’s private lives even more and for what purpose would such information be used?
The army gets itchy fingers whenever there is political turmoil in Pakistan. Will the current impasse lead to another martial law?
After months of political uncertainty, Afghanistan has new president, a former executive at the World Bank. There is also a new ‘chief executive,’ a post created courtesy of the Americans. The more things change, the more they remain the same.
Islamic Iran and Russia have signed a massive trade deal that would be conducted in their local currencies bypassing the US dollar. Countries around the world are getting fed up with US policies and are abandoning trading in dollars.
Understanding the history of expansion of Masjid al-Nabawi and how the Green Dome over the Prophet’s (saws) tomb was erected will enable Muslims to understand its true significance.
The takfiri project is created by the Americans and zionists and financed by the puppet Arabian regimes of the west. Few are taken in by the latest US propaganda ploy
Reader asks why mention of Zionist Israel’s role in the latest US theatrics in confronting the takfiris is absent from all discourse.
The anniversary of the massacre at Sabra and Shatilla should remind everyone of the criminal nature of the Zionist regime.
The Saudi regime is the source of much of the fitna in the Muslim world. Highlighting its crimes is essential for Muslims to take a clear stand against it.
There is urgent need for Muslims to develop their own media but it would not come about through the Muslim regimes.