Generals love democracy, especially the kind that propels them into power without conceding anything to the civilians. This is underway in Egypt under General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the Empire’s new muscleman.
The emerging, new Muslim East (aka the Middle East) is not the one Condoleezza Rice had envisioned; it is more confident and assertive and pursuing an agenda to serve the interests of the people rather than imperialist/Zionist powers.
The US dollar is losing its shine as rivals emerge to stake a claim. It is not only the euro but also the Chinese currency, the yuan that are challenging dollar’s supremacy in global finance.
The Saud regime’s oppressive decree banning calls for reform, exposure of corruption or withdrawing allegiance from the king has had exactly the opposite effect. People are openly challenging the regime on YouTube and Facebook.
There is a long history of links between the Ikhwan and the Saudi monarchy. It has not always been a happy relationship but the Ikhwan have a choice to make: which side of the fence do they want to sit on.
The anti-Islamic nature of pseudo-Salafis is evident from their behavior in Syria—killing not only civilians but also members of rival groups—but it is the pseudo scholars in the service of empire that must be exposed.
The House of Saud has arrived at a critical moment in its history: how to safely hand over power to the next generation without upsetting the applecart. It is not an easy task.
The veteran US journalist, Seymour Hersh has laid to rest one lie—that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons in al-Ghouta last August—but has left unsaid the role of Saudi Arabia in this dastardly crime.
The 13-year US-led Western war on Afghanistan has not only devastated that poor country but also caused great damage to Pakistan. Neighboring Iran has also suffered greatly as a consequence.
The problems of Palestine and Kashmir date back to the same time period but the world knows one—Palestine—far better than the other—Kashmir; why?
The case of Abu Hamza al-Misri exposes the futile policy of resorting to indiscriminate violence that violates core Islamic principles and ends up serving imperialism.
Foreign Minister Javad Zarif explains the principles of Iran’s foreign policy and how these have advanced regional and global peace.
The Emiratis think by building tall structures like the West, they will become cultured and turn into the hub of cultural activities in the Middle East. Intellectual capital, not tall buildings make people cultured but who should explain this to the dwellers of city-states?
Several countries have had elections, are going through them or are about to hold them. Do elections bring change or maintain the status quo?
Reader lauds Crescent’s coverage and the information it provides to understand what is really going on in the world.
Egypt continues to produce its share of pharaohs, the latest in the form of General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.
The first Qibla of Muslims is under Zionist threat but both the Muslim regimes as well as committed Muslims seem to be largely unconcerned.
Reader responds to the concerns expressed by a reader in an earlier letter.
The regimes in the Arabian Peninsula and in Palestine are both usurpers and their removal will help bring about peace in the region for all people.