The following is the full text of Ayatullah Seyyed Ali Khamenei’s inaugural address delivered on August 30, 2012 at the 16th Non-Aligned Summit in Tehran.
The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in Tehran shows that it is not Islamic Iran, but the US and Israel, that are isolated globally.
Will Israel make the mistake of attacking Iran? Should it become victim of its own hubris, the consequences would be devastating for the Zionist war-criminals.
Innocent people are always the victims of wars over which they have no control and towards which they did not contribute. The plight of Syrian refugees once again highlights this reality.
In the past, Egypt’s important role in the Muslim East (aka Middle East) was stymied because of its rulers’ subservience to imperialism and zionism. This may be changing amid renewed hopes.
How historical baggage has smothered Muslim minds to sink into sectarianism while ignoring the teachings of the Qur’an and the Sunnah.
US enmity towards Iran has nothing to do with Iran’s peaceful nuclear program. It is merely a pretext used by Washington for Iran’s refusal to fall in line with US demands.
Al-Qaeda is often trotted out as a bogey to justify US aggression against others. Al-Qaeda is an American creation and a handy tool. The nexus alliance has become fully exposed in Syria.
Turkish rulers seem to have miscalculated badly about events in Syria but there is little proof they are about to admit the error and make course correction.
Julian Assange of WikiLeaks fame is being targeted not because he is guilty of the rape allegation. His real ‘crime’ is that he exposed America’s dirty tricks.
White supremacist militias have mushroomed in the US since 911. The Wisconsin Gurdwara attack is but a small sample of its devastating effects whose principal target are Muslims.
Muslims in Myanmar are subjected to terrible persecution and a campaign of ethnic cleansing and genocide but even the west’s poster girl for democracy, Aung San Suu Kyi is silent about their plight.
Muslims have become fond of building cathedral style masajid where all kinds of restrictions are imposed. Sister Salina Khan argues that masajid should become centers of activism for social, political and economic justice.
There is immense Islamic history woven into Morocco’s social and cultural fabric. Zainab Cheema captures the essence of spirituality on her journey to Fes.
How do Muslims celebrate Eid under occupation? Eva Bartlett, a Canadian peace activist who has been on several aid convoys, describes her experiences in Gaza under siege.
Are the political fortunes of Anwar Ibrahim, a former deputy Prime Minister who fell out of favour with Dr Mahathir Mohammad, about to change? Recent developments in Malaysia have boosted his party’s hopes.
One reader in Nigeria wants the Crescent to become a weekly to keep the Ummah informed of developments.
The Saudis want to ban religious activities also during Hajj and Umrah. What else do they plan to ban?
Syria has become the battleground for a proxy war in which imperialism and Zionism and their Arabian henchmen are the real culprits.
Who was behind the attack on General Dempsey’s plane in Kabul? A reader offers an interesting alternative perspective.
If the Saudis are really serious about ending sectarianism, they should stop their obscurantist clerics from spreading this fitna rather than setting up another white elephant institution in Riyadh.