French military invasion of Mali backed by the US, Britain and other western countries, has everything to do with the re-colonization of Africa and little or nothing with helping the Malians to fight off militants.
Americans have lost the war in Afghanistan but Washington warriors are still looking for ways to maintain troops there after the 2014 deadline.
The Saudi regime is good at only one thing: creating fitna of the sectarian kind. The war in Syria has provided it an opportunity to play dirty once again.
India’s gang rape case has brought out the best and worst in people. Concern for the victim and refusal to allow the police or courts to sweep it under the rug has at the same time exposed the caste prejudice that pervades India despite its claims to modernism.
Obama has always been long on rhetoric and short on substance. But he has another opportunity to prove he can deliver the change he has so often touted. His real test will be whether he is willing to deal on the basis of mutual respect with Islamic Iran.
Afflicted by widespread racism and inner contradictions, the Zionist state may not last until 2020.
The Muslim East has undergone radical change over the last two years. There are new political alignments that spell trouble for the US.
Indian occupation forces have been involved in horrible crimes against defenceless civilians in Kashmir for decades. While India refuses to allow international human rights organizations or the media to visit the state, an Indian human rights organization has painstakingly documented specific crimes and identified the names of perpetrators that the Indian government refuses to punish.
There is no shortage of people willing to serve foreign masters. Salina Khan looks at the theatrics of a self-styled Shaikhul Islam.
After two years of bloody conflict it seems Turkey’s position on the Syrian conflict has not changed. While addressing a gathering in the city of Gaziantep last month, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan fired another rhetorical volley at the Syrian government.
While Ilham Aliyev appears to have been rattled by rumours of Russia’s plan to replace him, most observers believe it is just that: rumours.
America’s role as the sole superpower is not only over but it is becoming the pauper power with thousands of factory closings, jobs shipped overseas, its debt reaching the sky and its military having been thoroughly defeated. America’s dream has become a nightmare for most people.
Despite decades of sanctions, internal sabotage and external invasion, the Islamic Republic continues to take major strides in most fields because of the sincerity of its leadership and support of its masses.
The US and its western allies, especially Britain, France and Germany have not only targeted Muslims accusing them of all kinds of wrongdoing without much evidence, even charities that are involved in helping the victims’ families are being targeted. The witch-hunt is on in earnest.
With the collapse of the western financial system, Muslim economists have an excellent opportunity to present the model of Islamic Iqtisad to provide social and economic justice to all. They will also find a ready audience among non-Muslims.
How the Prophet (saws) acquired and exercise power is an aspect of the Sirah that has not been properly studied by Muslims. There is need to look at both the soft and hard power dimensions of the Sirah. Muslims celebrate the birthday of the noble Messenger of Allah (pbuh) in the month of Rabi‘ al-Awwal. These often include na‘at and nasheed recitals. Lectures, if included, narrate the miracles he performed. There is, however, seldom any discussion of the power dimensions in the Sirah as part of his life-struggle. Zafar Bangash, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought, discusses some of these issues.
Since Saudi Arabia acts as America’s and indeed of the west’s cash cow, its crimes are habitually glossed over. The recent case of two university professors, imprisoned for merely asking that people’s human rights be respected, illustrates the point.
The people of Syria are gradually waking up to the reality of foreign-sponsored terrorist groups bent on wrecking their country. Their foreign sponsors also stand exposed.
While Egypt takes tentative steps towards a new order based on justice and fairness, the old guard continues to frustrate these efforts.
There are striking similarities between the First Nations peoples and the Palestinians. Both were expelled from their lands by European colonialists; both were subjected to genocide. In the case of First Nations, the project largely succeeded. The Palestinians have refused to disappear.
Crescent’s perspective on world events is unique and increasingly people are turning to it to get a better understanding of what is happening around the world.
Canada’s Supreme Court led by its energetic Chief Justice Beverley MacLachlin has shown it will not bow to racists and bigots but stand up for the rights of all people.