The Muslim legacy in African American history is receiving a lot of scholarly and popular attention lately. Even Hollywood has had to include Muslim characters in its historical reconstructions.
Ulama have been described as successors to the Prophet. Since the prophetic mission ended with the last and final messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, the responsibility on the shoulders of the ulama is heavy indeed.
An unholy alliance of Christian and Jewish fundamentalist terrorists may bloody the streets of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) far more than anything the Islamic strugglers in Palestine could ever do in their quest to liberate Palestine.
What is America’s strategy vis-a-vis Iraq? This is a question being widely debated in the west now, and the general opinion is that it doesn’t have one, but is simply hoping something will come along.
Killing Iraqi civilians, especially children, has become so routine that it hardly evokes a yawn in the western media. For those who consider this to be harsh judgement, just look at the media coverage of the latest outrage perpetrated by the US on January 25...
When the Iranian soccer team beat the US team at the World Cup Finals in France last year, the west was shocked to see Muslims pouring into the streets in cities across the world to celebrate.
The killings in Račak took place on January 15. Serbian troops and police attacked the town with armoured vehicles and infantry shortly before dawn. They left at sundown, leaving 45 dead bodies. Other villagers either escaped into nearby woods or were arrested.
Two of the world’s biggest cigarette companies–British American Tobacco (BAT) and Rothmans–have merged to create a group selling more than 900 billion cigarettes a year around the world.
From the Atlantic coast in the west to the Indian Ocean shores in the east, Central African States locked in civil or regional wars are on the brink of unravelling--in some cases facing the prospect of having their borders redrawn--as those conflicts defy solution, despite external intervention or because of it.
Five British Muslims went on trial in Aden, Yemen, on January 26, accused of planning to bomb the city’s main hotel, the British consulate and a church.
The French apparently see nothing wrong in naming their children after Muslim football stars (presumably as long as they are not called Muhammad--a name redolent with Islamic connotations) who secure victory for their country in world cup final...
The bodies of six murdered Kosovars were found in different locations in the country on February 8, the day after ‘proximity’ peace talks between the Serbs and Kosovars began in France. They included a 20-year-old man and a 17-year-old girl found together in Djakovica, 45 miles south-west of Pristina...
There appears to be a dichotomy in the attitude of the Pakistan government as far as the Afghans are concerned. Islamabad is virtually alone in backing the Taliban-backed government in Kabul.
The gladiatorial contest between the government of prime minister Nawaz Sharif and the Jang Group of newspapers would be comical were it not for its deadly intent. Both sides are trying to occupy the moral high ground where none exists.
One Muslimah was martyred and several Muslims injured in Zaria, the capital of Kaduna province in northern Nigeria, on January 22, when police opened fire at the conclusion of an Al-Quds Day march which was attended by an estimated one million people.