A Monthly Newsmagazine from Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT)
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Jumada' al-Ula', 14191998-09-01

Crescent International Vol. 27, No. 13

Book Review

Struggling to fit Islam - the divine religion - into the American mainstream

Aisha Geissinger

Steven Barboza’s book, American Jihad, is an inversion of the message of Emerson’s ‘Jihad in America’. Barboza uses the idea of jihad and the life of Malcolm X - a combination guaranteed to get most Americans’ attention - as starting-points for a discussion of the different ways American Muslims practise jihad.

Occupied Arab World

Israelis kill babies, steal land in Hebron siege

Khalil Marwan

The Zionist occupation forces have imposed a strict curfew on the southern part of the West Bank town of Hebron. The complete blockade of the city is part of the Zionists’ collective punishment to inflict suffering on 400,000 Palestinian residents while the gun-toting Zionist settlers prowl the streets freely.

Occupied Arab World

Middle East's long serving rulers

Khalil Marwan

‘Till death us do part’ may be a Christian marriage expression long out of fashion but it applies most aptly to rulers in the Middle East. Notwithstanding the constitutional monarchies of Europe which as mere show-pieces exercise little or no executive authority...

South-East Asia

Keeping ‘Pancasila’ in order not to give Islam a bad name

Koya Kutty

Dr Amien Rais has been credited with initiating the downfall of president Suharto in Indonesia. Leading the largest Islamic organisation - Muhammadiyah - he is considered a potential successor to B J Habibie in the next elections under the ‘reformasi’.

Special Reports

The downside of foreign aid and its impact on recipients

Abul Fadl

Foreign aid, whether in the form of loans or grants, in cash or in kind, is often touted as a useful way to bring about an international redistribution of global wealth. One streak of classical economic growth theorization, known as the economic convergence theory...

Special Reports

Litany of American lies

Crescent International

Over the last two weeks, American officials have outdone themselves telling blatant lies in public. The attempted justifications for US missile strikes against Sudan and Afghanistan have revealed the depth to which they can sink.


Chechens can rightly take pride in their long struggle for independence

Shameema Ismail

President Aslan Maskhadov of Ichkeria (formerly Chechenya), was greeted with much respect at a conference in Washington DC from August 7-10. The Chechen president had cause to be proud of his people’s valiant struggle against heavy odds.


Israeli link to US embassy bombings?

Crescent International

Notwithstanding American allegations against Muslims, there are strong suspicions pointing towards Israeli involvement in the US embassy bombings in Nairobi and Dar es Salam.


Kosovar fighters far from subdued by the Serbs

Iqbal Siddiqui

A major Serb offensive which began in late July has made major gains against the Kosova Liberation Army (KLA) during August.


Britain and US reverse Lockerbie decision in wake of embassy bombings

Humayun Chaudhry

The British foreign Office announced on August 24 that an agreement between the US and Britain had been reached to allow two Libyans accused of the 1988 Lockeribe bombing, to be tried at The Hague, Netherlands.


Clinton’s scandals root cause of missile strikes at Sudan and Afghanistan

Zafar Bangash

The August 20 US missile strikes on a Pharmaceutical factory in Sudan and alleged camps of Islamic activists in Afghanistan have underscored one point clearly: Washington is an international outlaw.

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