While most people have heaved a huge sigh of relief at Trump’s departure, reposing too much faith in Joe Biden would be a mistake. His record shows he is pro-war and a hardcore Zionist. He may even initiate a destructive war at the behest of the military-industrial-banking complex.
“History,” Winston Churchill said, “will be kind to me, for I intend to write it myself.” He needn’t have bothered. He was one of the great mass murderers of the 20th century, yet is the only one, unlike Hitler and Stalin, to have escaped historical odium in the West.
Committing war crimes is so much in the blood of the American establishment and its surrogate, the Zionist state of Israel that it hardly needs proving. August 6 marks the anniversary of the US dropping the first of two atomic bombs on Japan 69 years ago. Three days later another one was dropped on Nagasaki.