Even US President Barack Obama piped in with a video message telling the assembled crowd that he was serious about “engaging” the Muslim world, whatever that may mean...
No less serious is the refusal of Congress to authorise funding for the prison or prisons on US mainland where detainees are to be transferred or even the authority to transfer those to be held indefinitely.
But Obama has been a huge disappointment to most Americans as well. Republican Scott Brown’s victory to the senate seat held by the late Ted Kennedy in Massachusetts since 1972 is reflective of this mood swing...
US President Barack Obama’s January 22 deadline for closing the Guantanamo torture chamber has come and gone...
Dissenting voices against the surge and futility of war were heard from the antiwar movement but these are largely confined to the internet...
KindHearts officials have denied being connected to any terrorist group ever since federal agents sealed the charity’s office in 2006...