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Keyword: Tsunami

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South-East Asia

An eyewitness account of the suffering and problems of people in Aceh

Ausaf Ahsan

Muharram 20, 14262005-03-01

Two months after the Indian Ocean tsunami, people in Aceh and many other areas are living in appalling conditions. DR AUSAF AHSAN, a Crescent reader from Bangalore, India, travelled to Aceh to assist the relief effort there.


The politics of disaster

Zafar Bangash

Dhu al-Hijjah 21, 14252005-02-01

The world rediscovered a largely forgotten word as the new year rolled in: tsunami. The tragedy wrought on the countries of the Indian Ocean brought out both the best and worst in human beings. Ordinary individuals all over the world opened their hearts to help the victims of this tragedy; governments first downplayed it, then discovered it as an opportunity for self-promotion.

South-East Asia

Response to tsunami highlights desperate need for change in Muslim societies

Abdar Rahman Koya

Muharram 20, 14262005-02-01

No sooner had the tsunami struck more than ten countries in southern Asia than the numbers games began. First it was the giant news media who rushed to report the latest death toll – the bigger the death toll reported, the fresher the news was. Another numbers game is the aid promised by governments to help the victims.

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